Dr. Kris Lulofs is associate professor (ius promovendi) at the University of Twente (UT) at the Department Technology, Policy Society (TPS) and the section Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM). He is the chair of CSTM and member of TPS department board, and is the admission manager of the open PhD program of CSTM.

In education Kris has a broad experience at bachelor-, master-, and postdoctoral level, including responsibilities in development of curricula (courses, programs), teaching (BSc and Master courses, postdoctoral seminars, supervision of BSc, MSc, MBA PhDs), testing, course evaluation and contract education. Ongoing larger responsibilities include the Water track within the MEEM MSc. program and the High Tech Human Touch minor Innovations in sustainable chain management aiming to educate change agents linking technology and society in responsible innovations.

Kris' research is focused on policy strategies, instrumentation, governance and innovation studies in the fields of water, climate resilience and socio-ecological systems. He acted as researcher and project leader in fifty policy and innovation studies, including projects funded by EU research frameworks, international and national knowledge institutes, the Dutch national science foundation, ministries, provinces and water boards. Ongoing responsibilities and contributions include the governance and institutional research in the CASTOR project (NWO/NWA, CAtchment Strategies Towards Resilience: Dutch Pleistocene landscapes in the Anthropocene), the Horizon GovAqua project upon water governance innovations, the Horizon SpongeWorks project, the DIWA project regarding the governance of sponge landscapes and droughts (Climate Change Adaptation Governance Incubator); the governance lens in the JCAR ATRACE Scoping Study upon Vecht, Berkel and Oude IJssel and the urban eco-system services lens in the Catch 2project on urban climate resilience. 

Six PhD students of Kris graduated, six PhD studies are ongoing. The finished PhDs are dr. Thomas Hoppe who received the Van Poelje award (CO2 reduction in the existing built environment; a policy study on ambition setting and goal achievement), dr. Jan van der Molen (Cross border cooperation in water management), dr, Vera Vikolainen (Nature at Work. The feasibility of Building with Nature projects in the context of EU Natura 2000 implementation), dr. Ewert Aukes (Frames, framing and frame interactions  in Coastal Management), dr. Maia Lordkipanidze (Governance of Wetlands, the issue of Resilience), and dr. Nicco Plamonia (Water supply and PPP/BOT arrangements).

Kris has published and (co-)edited seven books and published more than two hundred articles, book chapters and reports. He co-initiated the Journal for Watergovernance (Water governance tijdschrift) and served in the editorial board .

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  • Social Sciences

    • Policy
    • Project
    • Governance
    • Change
    • Housing
    • Buildings
    • Floods
    • Analysis


Kris’ PhD research focused on effectiveness of policy implementation in networks, the locus was on environmental management (-systems) in organizations (progress and quality). Examples from the gross list of fifty projects are EU-Framework research on the implementation of European directives, comprehensive research on the aftermath of the firework explosion in Enschede, international comparative research on policy instruments at the think-tank Resources for the future in Washington and research on cross border cooperation in water in Europe. Substantial research and innovation programs that Kris co-developed included Ecoshape-Building with Nature, Naturecoast and Lumbricus, he was leading the governance research in these programs. Kris co-developed the TPS platforms and shares responsibilities in Strategic Intelligence for the Digitalisation of Societal Domains (SI4DS), and the platform RURBAN Innovations, built for rethinking the growing interrelatedness of rural and urban activities, occurring rivalries and impacts on allocation of welfare and wellbeing and the carrying capacity of the globe. 


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University of Twente

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