I am an educator, engineer, and researcher, and I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at the BMS and a lecturer at UCT-ATLAS. I have a bachelor's in Aeronautical engineering with a double master's in Education Technology and Research. My research interest is quite interdisciplinary and centred around engineering education. The topic of my research is on Higher-Order Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Research for Engineering Education. I teach and co-coordinate the Semester 1 challenge-based design project course at ATLAS. 


The research aims to characterise and optimise the curriculum and pedagogy of the ATLAS-UCT program, to foster higher-order academic skills namely creative problem solving, critical-thinking, interdisciplinary thinking, and communication, etc. This study majorly takes advantage of quasi-experimental design for research by employing both qualitative and quantitative experimental approaches through instruments such as self-reflective questionnaires, experience sampling, surveys, psychometrics, formative and  summative novel assessments. Our methodology will unfold in two phases. The first phase will serve to identify and characterise higher-order academic skills and competencies. Phase 2: “Execution and Evaluation of the Curriculum and Pedagogy”. The overall aim of these two phases is to identify a set of best practices to inculcate intended skills in students.

Other contributions

Boon, Mieke  and  Orozco, Mariana  and  Sivakumar, Kishore  (2022)  Epistemological and educational issues in teaching practice-oriented scientific research: Roles for philosophers of science


University of Twente

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