Karst Geurs is appointed Full Professor of Transport Planning at Department of Civil Engineering. His research focuses on interactions between land use and transport, accessibility modelling and evaluation and the dynamics in travel behaviour. From 2009-2013 he was Associated Professor at the Department of CE. He worked at the National Institute for Public Health and Environment from 1997 and moved to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in 2005. In 2006 he received his PhD at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, on accessibility appraisal of land-use and transport policy strategies. He teaches master courses on Transport Policy and Planning, Land Use and Transport Interactions and Sustainable Transport within the Master Track Transport Engineering and Management.
He is chair of the Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR), Editor-in-Chief of the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU).
Professional Experience
- 2013 Full Professor of Transport Planning, Dep. CE, University of Twente.
- 2009 Associate Professor, Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente.
- 2007 Programme Manager Transport, Netherlands Environmental
Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. - 2005
Researcher land use, transport and environment, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. - 1997 Researcher land use, transport and environment, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
- 2006 PhD, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Thesis title: Accessibility, land use and transport. Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport developments and policy strategies. Awarded Cum Laude.
- 1995 Master of Science Environmental Science, Environmental Policy Evaluation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
- 1993 Bachelor of Science Transport Engineering and Planning, Breda University of Professional Education, the Netherlands
- Chair of the Netwerk on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR) - http://www.nectar-eu.eu/
- Editor-in-Chief of the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) etrr.springeropen.com
- TRAIL research fellow.
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU) (www.jtlu.org).
Social Sciences
- Netherlands
- Accessibility
- Bicycles
- Motor Vehicles
- Dutch
- Mode Choice
- Travel
- Public Transport
Ancillary activities
- Elseviereditor Journal of Transport Geography
- AssociationVice-Chair of NECTAR
Other contributions
Master Theses
- 19-02-2021 | Rutger Meester : Evalutation of trip characteristics and accessibility in car-free development: A case study in the Merwedekanaalzone in Utrecht. | Mott MacDonald
- 22-04-2020 | Ruben Akse: Urban Transport Policy Paradigms: A Philosophical and Engineering Analysis | CROW
- 26-09-2019 | Dieuwert Blomjous: Explanation of household car ownership with proximity to train stations Supervisors: Geurs, Thomas, v. Essen, vd Reijt (extern). Company: Goudappel Coffeng
- 30-08-2019 | Simone ten Have: Is ultrafast charging the future for EV in the Netherlands? A discrete choice experiment on user preferences for slow, fast and ultra fast charging. Supervisors: Geurs, Gkiotsalitis, Idema (extern). Company: APPM Rotterdam
- 08-03-2019 | Jan Engels: Forecasting spatio temporal variations in OD-pairs. A case study from Sao Paulo. Supervisors: Geurs, Gkiotsalitis, Gianotti (external). Company: Provincie Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
- 06-03-2019 | Martijn de Gruijter: Mobility as a service in the Paleiskwartier: explanatory factors for the intention to use and a process evaluation. Supervisors: Geurs, Fioreze. Company: Provincie N-Brabant
For more theses see this website
Research profiles
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 195439999 - CEM Master Thesis Traffic
- 195799152 - Internship
- 201300262 - Design Project EngD Civil Engineering
- 201800060 - Sustainable Transport
- 201800072 - Planning and Process Management
- 201800116 - Preparation Master Thesis
- 202000057 - Theory Traffic & Transport
- 202000077 - Project Area Development
- 202000090 - BSc Research Assignment
- 202000250 - Internship
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 191199152 - Internship
- 195439999 - CEM Master Thesis Traffic
- 195799152 - Internship
- 201300262 - Design Project EngD Civil Engineering
- 201800055 - Transport Research Project
- 201800060 - Sustainable Transport
- 201800072 - Planning and Process Management
- 201800116 - Preparation Master Thesis
- 202000057 - Theory Traffic & Transport
- 202000077 - Project Area Development
- 202000090 - BSc Research Assignment
- 202000250 - Internship
- 202300353 - Internship (CSE/SET)
Current projects

Dynamics in Mode Choice Behaviour
GC / Marie Joseé Olde Kalter

Road Safety for Cyclists in Dutch Cities
SWOV / PhD Teun Uijtdewilligen

Accessibility and Road Safety; Integrating road safety indicators in accessibility analysis and planning.
SWOV / PhD Mehrnaz Asadi

Dynamics in Mode Choice Behaviour
KIM/GC / PhD Marie-José Olde Kalter

Netmobil – A mobility as a service for rural areas

Smart Connected Bikes

Resilient public transport services
Keolis / PhD Zakir Farahmand

Bicycle User Experience: Smart, Connected and Safe Cycling in the Netherlands
Accell Group / PhD Georgios Kapousizis

SmartHubs - Smart Mobility Hubs as Game Changers in Transport
Finished projects

Solar Bike

Mobility Panel for the Netherlands (MPN)
The Mobility Panel for the Netherlands (in Dutch: MobiliteitsPanel Nederland (MPN)) aims to map changes in travel behaviour of a specific group of people and households over an extended period of time.

The local and regional dimensions in Indonesia’s social and economic development.
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) awarded a research project The local and regional dimensions in Indonesia’s social and economic development from the Free University Amsterdam (Dept. of Spatial Economics), the University of Twente (Centre for Transport Studies), University of Indonesia and the Bandung Institute of Technology within the Scientific Programme Indonesia - Netherlands (SPIN).

ASTRID (Accessibility, Social justice and TRansport emission Impacts of transit-oriented Development strategies)

Mobile Mobility Panel

Mobile City Innovation Program (IMS)

COVID-19 public transport capacity model

Mobility innovations in Twente

University of Twente
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University of Twente
Horst Complex Z218
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