Karst Geurs is appointed Full Professor of Transport Planning at Department of Civil Engineering. His research focuses on interactions between land use and transport, accessibility modelling and evaluation and the dynamics in travel behaviour. From 2009-2013 he was Associated Professor at the Department of CE. He worked at the National Institute for Public Health and Environment from 1997 and moved to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in 2005. In 2006 he received his PhD at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, on accessibility appraisal of land-use and transport policy strategies. He teaches master courses on Transport Policy and Planning, Land Use and Transport Interactions and Sustainable Transport within the Master Track Transport Engineering and Management.

He is chair of the Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR), Editor-in-Chief of the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU).

Professional Experience

  • 2013 Full Professor of Transport Planning, Dep. CE, University of Twente.
  • 2009 Associate Professor, Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente.
  • 2007 Programme Manager Transport, Netherlands Environmental
    Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
  • 2005 
    Researcher land use, transport and environment, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
  • 1997 Researcher land use, transport and environment, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.


  • 2006 PhD, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Thesis title: Accessibility, land use and transport. Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport developments and policy strategies. Awarded Cum Laude.
  • 1995 Master of Science Environmental Science, Environmental Policy Evaluation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 1993 Bachelor of Science Transport Engineering and Planning, Breda University of Professional Education, the Netherlands


  • Chair of the Netwerk on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR) - http://www.nectar-eu.eu/
  • Editor-in-Chief of the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) etrr.springeropen.com  
  • TRAIL research fellow.
  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU) (www.jtlu.org).


  • Social Sciences

    • Netherlands
    • Accessibility
    • Bicycles
    • Motor Vehicles
    • Dutch
    • Mode Choice
    • Travel
    • Urban Areas


Ancillary activities

  • Elseviereditor Journal of Transport Geography
  • AssociationChair of NECTAR


Exploring factors affecting route choice of cyclists: A novel varying-contiguity spatially lagged exogenous modeling approach, 557-577. van Nijen, N., Ulak, M. B., Veenstra, S. & Geurs, K.https://doi.org/10.5198/jtlu.2024.2452Improving Community Wellbeing through transport policy: a literature review and theoretical framework, based on the Capability Approach, 1-26 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van Burgsteden, M., Grigolon, A. & Geurs, K.https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2024.2374818User acceptance of smart e-bikes: What are the influential factors? A cross-country comparison of five European countries, Article 104106. Kapousizis, G., Sarker, R., Ulak, M. B. & Geurs, K.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2024.104106Effects of crowding on route preferences and perceived safety of urban cyclists in the Netherlands, Article 104030. Uijtdewilligen, T., Ulak, M. B., Wijlhuizen, G. J. & Geurs, K. T.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2024.104030Are We in Flow? Measuring and Supporting Simultaneous Flow in Duos of Elderly Cyclists. Boot, M., Kahnt, L., Postma, D., Ulak, B., Geurs, K. & Havinga, P.Using body sensors for evaluating the impact of smart cycling technologies on cycling experiences: a systematic literature review and conceptual framework, Article 13 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Boot, M., Ulak, M. B., Geurs, K. T. & Havinga, P. J. M.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12544-024-00635-3The Smarthubs integration ladder: A conceptual model for the categorisation of shared mobility hubs, 112-139. Geurs, K., Grigolon, A., Münzel, K., Gkiotsalitis, K., Duran-Rodas, D., Büttner, B., Kirchberger, C., Pappers, J., Martinez ramirez, L., Graf, A., Hansel, J., Gkrava, R. & Klementschitz, R.https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2023.2239499
A composite X-minute city cycling accessibility metric and its role in assessing spatial and socioeconomic inequalities – A case study in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Article 100043. Knap, E., Ulak, M. B., Geurs, K. T., Mulders, A. & Van der drift, S.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.urbmob.2022.100043The interactions between accessibility and crash risk from a social equity perspective: A case study at the Rotterdam-The Hague metropolitan region, 176-186. Odijk, M. J. M., Asadi, M., Baran Ulak, M. & Geurs, K. T.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2023.09.015Reverse engineering cycling culture using stakeholders’ perceptions of well-established examples: Insights from Enschede and Münster, Article 101107. De freitas miranda, H., Rodrigues da silva, A. n. & Geurs, K.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101107Slimme mobiliteitshubs: de ontwikkeling van inclusieve hubs. Garritsen, K. E., Grigolon, A. B. & Geurs, K.Examining the crash risk factors associated with cycling: findings from four Dutch cities, 115-117. Uijtdewilligen, T., Ulak, M. B., Bijleveld, F., Geurs, K. & Dijkstra, A.Examining the crash risk factors associated with cycling by considering spatial and temporal disaggregation of exposure: Findings from four Dutch cities (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Uijtdewilligen, T., Ulak, M., Wijlhuizen, G. J., Bijleveld, F., Geurs, K. & Dijkstra, A.https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2023.2273547Using body sensors in evaluations of the impact of smart cycling technologies on cycling experienceIn MobileHCI '23 Companion: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, Article 43 (pp. 1-4). Boot, M., Ulak, B., Geurs, K. & Havinga, P.https://doi.org/10.1145/3565066.3609736Accessibility: perspectives, measures and applicationsIn The Transport System and Transport Policy: An Introduction (pp. 178-199). Edward Elgar. Geurs, K. & van Wee, B.

Other contributions

Master Theses

For more theses see this website

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University of Twente

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7522 LW Enschede

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