Krijn Tiek was born in Almelo, the Netherlands, in 1992. After graduating high school in 2011 he started studying at CHS Windesheim in Zwolle (NL) to become a high school physics teacher. After 2 years, in 2013, he made the switch to the Applied Physics study at Saxion University in Enschede (NL), wanting to focus more on physics and postpone the idea of one day teaching at a high school. Several internships saw him working with companies like Thales in Hengelo (NL), Anteryon in Eindhoven (NL) and Apollo-Vredestein in Enschede (NL). He obtained his Bachelor degree in Applied Physics in 2018. After graduating, he started fulfilling the job of general support engineer at the MD&I group at the University of Twente. Since 2020 Krijn is working as a developer and administrator for XNAT , the Medical Imaging Archive of TechMed Centre of the University of Twente. Since 2023 he is leading the XNAT project.



University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 2140
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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