Sean works as a lecturer on the topic of urban green infrastructure and how it increases resilience against natural hazards. Specifically, Sean quantifies the effects of urban green infrastructure regarding heat stress and how greening for coolness can create more urban oases.

Sean works at the Construction Management and Engineering (CME) department, and until April 2021 they also worked at the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) department. Check out our Green Infrastructure project at the Living Innovation Lab here.

Sean is genderqueer/nonbinary (they/them).

Before joining the University of Twente

  • I was a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan. I analyzed the efficiency of the micro-grid using renewable energy situated at the WPI-MANA/NanoGREEN building.
  • I worked as a research specialist at the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Tsukuba, Japan. I evaluated and developed improvements for existing global disaster risk indicator databases that can quantify the impacts of disaster risk, including the UNISDR Sendai Framework.
  • My PhD research at ICHARM focused on vulnerable people in flood evacuation policies. I developed a method to quantify the number of potentially vulnerable people, and compared the measures in Japan, the USA, and the Netherlands on national and local level.
  • Before my PhD, I worked as junior researcher at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. As a part of the internationally funded Freude am Fluss project, I compared the effects on the water level of different floodplain management strategies between France and the Netherlands.
  • I worked as a data analyst for Rosen Europe (Oldenzaal, Netherlands) to determine the location of pipelines with Rosen GIS-software. I have further environmental consultancy experience in the Netherlands through Royal Haskoning DHV, Ecoselect, and MH Poly, being detached to Rijkswaterstaat, a province, a municipality, and a water board, by working as law enforcer, permit granter, and junior soil advisor.


  • 2011/2014 PhD Disaster Management, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan. Thesis: Vulnerable People and Flood Risk Management Policies.
  • 2004/2006 Master of Environmental Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • 2001/2004 Bachelor of Science, University College, Utrecht, Netherlands.


  • Social Sciences

    • Cyclones
    • Bangladesh
    • Evacuation
    • Floods
    • Risk Perception
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Investigation
    • Green Infrastructure
    • Urban Green


Areas of expertise

  • Sustainable development and environmental management
  • Green infrastructure and climate change mitigation & adaptation
  • Local energy transition
  • Disaster risk reduction and vulnerable populations



Green Panel performance testing: Analysis from one season of monitoring data and implications for urban scale applications (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2024. Vink, K. the flood risk perception of residents in informal settlements around the floodplains of river ravi in Lahore, Pakistan (2024)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 103. Article 104334. Khawaja, S. Z., Gul, A. A., Tariq, M. A. U. R., Vink, K., Jafri, S. H. A. & Gujree, I.‘We knew a cyclone was imminent’: Hazard preparedness and disaster management efficiency nexus in coastal Bangladesh (2024)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 102. Article 104240. Ahsan, M. N., Mohibbullah, M., Gain, A. K., Khatun, F., Rahman, M. A., Sultana, A., Haque, R., Rahman, M. M., Rahaman, K. R., Vink, K. & Shaw, R.


Development and evaluation of digital twins for district-level heating energy demand simulation (2022)In Proceedings CLIMA2022 | 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, 22-25 May 2022, Rotterdam: Eye on 2030: Towards digitalized, healthy, circular and energy efficient HVAC. TU Delft open. Rovers, T., Struck, C., Gieling, C., Mohammadi, S., Slagmolen, O., Dorée, A., Olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vink, K., Poppe, H., Koopman, D., ter Maat, H. & Boeve, B.


Challenges and Synergies for the Local Energy Transition in Local Case Studies in the Netherlands and Hawaiʻi (2021)In Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 3–5 May 2021 (Science, Technology and society). Graz University of Technology. Vink, K. & Kilolu, L.


Sustainable life cycle design aspects: how aware are material scientists? (2020)Discover Applied Sciences, 2(8). Article 1364. Vink, K. forecasting potential of photo-voltaic electricity generation and demand using R (2020)Applied Sciences, 10(13). Article 4462. Vink, K., Ankyu, E. & Kikuchi, Y. in de Wijkgerichte Aanpak Energietransitie (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2020. olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vink, K., Dorée, A., Struck, C., Poppe, H. & Cremers, R.

Other contributions

(*rated by Web of Science)

International peer reviewed journal articles 

  • Ahsan MN, Khatun A, Islam Md S, Vink K, Ohara M, Fakhruddin BSHM (2020) Preferences for improved early warning services among coastal communities at risk in cyclone prone south-west region of Bangladesh. Progress in Disaster Science. 10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100065
  • *Vink K, Ankyu E, Kikuchi (2020) Long-Term Forecasting Potential of Photo-Voltaic Electricity Generation and Demand Using R. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4462. 10.3390/app10134462
  • Vink K (2020) Sustainable life cycle design aspects: how aware are material scientists?, SN Appl. Sci., 2, Article number: 1364, 10.1007/s42452-020-3151-z
  • *Vink K, Ankyu E, Koyama M (2019) Multiyear microgrid data from a research building in Tsukuba, Japan. Scientific Data.
  • *Vink K, Ahsan M N (2018) The Benefits of Cyclones: A Pragmatic Valuation Approach. Ecological Indicators, 95(1), 260-269.
  • Vink K, Ahsan M N, Sawano H, Ohara M (2017) Global Water-Related Risk Indicators: Meta-Analysis of Indicator Requirements. Journal of Disaster Research, 12 (2), 355-367.
  • Ahsan M N, Takeuchi K, Vink K, Ohara M (2016) A systematic review of the factors affecting the cyclone evacuation decision process in Bangladesh. Journal of Disaster Research, 11 (4), 742-753.
  • *Ahsan M N, Takeuchi K, Vink K, Warner J (2015) Factors affecting the evacuation decisions of coastal households during Cyclone Aila in Bangladesh. Environmental Hazards, 15 (1), 16-42.
  • *Lee S, Vink K (2015) Assessing the vulnerability of different age groups regarding flood fatalities: Case Study in the Philippines. Water Policy, 17 (6), 1045-1061.
  • Vink K, Takeuchi K, Kibler K M (2014) A quantitative estimate of vulnerable populations and evaluation of flood evacuation policy, Journal of Disaster Research, 9 (5), 887-900.
  • *Vink K (2014) Transboundary Water Law and Vulnerable People – Legal Interpretations of the ‘Equitable and Reasonable Use’ Principle. Water International, 39 (5), 743-754.
  • *Vink K, Takeuchi K (2013) International comparison of measures taken for vulnerable people in disaster risk management laws. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 4, 63–70.

Book chapters and theses 

  • *Ahsan M N, Vink K, Takeuchi K (2017) Chapter 9: Livelihood-strategies and resource-dependency nexus in the Sundarbans. In: Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific, Editors R. DasGupta, R. Shaw. Springer, Japan.
  • Vink K (2014) PhD Thesis: Vulnerable People and Flood Risk Management Policies. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Vink K (2006) Functions in River Systems. Department of Environmental Science. Reports Environmental Science nr. 288. Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • Vink K (2006) Origin of the Sun. Where do the Japanese and the Japanese language come from? Honors Review (Dutch).
  • Vink K (2006) The Role of Nitrate, Sulphate and Oxygen in Peat Decomposition (Dutch). Department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology. Report nr. 45. Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Peer reviewed conference proceedings

  • Vink K, Gul AA, Miyamoto M (2023). Implementing climate change adaptation and energy transition policies simultaneously through urban green infrastructure. 9th International Conference on Flood Management.
  • Rovers T, Struck C, Gieling C, Mohammadi S, Slagmolen O, Dorée A, Olde Scholtenhuis L, Vink K, Poppe H, Koopman D, ter Maat H, Boeve B (2022). Development and evaluation of digital twins for district-level heating energy demand simulation. CLIMA 2022 Conference.
  • Vink K, Kilolu L (2021) Challenges and Synergies for the Local Energy Transition in Local Case Studies in the Netherlands and Hawaiʻi. Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021, 10.3217/978-3-85125-855-4-21.
  • Vink K, Ahsan M N, Gul A A, Kilolu L (2020) Synergies and drawbacks of applying Green Infrastructure to increase resilience against epidemics. Joint International Resilience Conference, Nov 2020.
  • Olde Scholtenhuis L, Vink K, Dorée A, Struck C, Poppe H, Cremers H (2020). Digitalization during the energy transition of Dutch urban districts (Dutch). CROW Infodagen 2020.
  • Vink K, Ankyu E, Elborg M, Koyama M (2019) Performance and cost analysis of building scale micro-grid operation. Energy Procedia, 156, 425-429.
  • Vink K, Ahsan M N, Sawano H (2016) The Benefits of Cyclones as Ecosystem Services, The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER2016), Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2016.
  • Vink K, Takeuchi K (2013) Quantifying the effectiveness of measures taken for vulnerable people in local Disaster Risk Management (DRM), The 6th APHW Conference (APHW2013), Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 19-21 August 2013.

Research profiles


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