Since January 2019, Kasia is a programme coordinator of Creative Technology. She also teaches high-tech entrepreneurship at Creative Technology.
During her career, Kasia has accumulated substantial experience and knowledge in areas such as: high-tech entrepreneurship, strategy, business models (incl. social entrepreneurship and shared economy), and inter-organizational collaboration.
Her research focused on University-Industry Interactions, specifically focusing on the Academic and Student Entrepreneurship, as well as Entrepreneurship Education.
Kasia served as a reviewer for the following journals: Research Policy, Higher Education Policy, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Technology Forecasting and Social Change Journal, Journal of Knowledge Management, Sustainability
Received grants
2016 Tech4People grant financing a 3-year PhD student
2016 NWO-TTW (STW) grant for Knowledge transfer within the project Advanced fully integrated on-chip optical sensors for the early diagnosis of diseases with Optical Sciences (dr. Sonia Garcia Blanco)
2014 UT Ambassadors’ Network UT Aspasia Fond
2012 UT Stichting Universiteitsfonds to support a Campus Event
2011 EU-SPRI grant for organising an international Early Career Researcher Conference on university-society interactions, ‘New perspectives on enduring research questions in university-society interaction? Towards an emerging multi‑disciplinary research agenda for knowledge exchange and co-creation within science, research and innovation policy studies’
Social Sciences
- Nanotechnology
- Behavior
- Collaboration
- Research
- Understanding
- Knowledge
Computer Science
- Research Direction
Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Panel
Kasia's research programme used to focus on University-Industry Interactions, specifically on the Academic and Student Entrepreneurship, as well as Entrepreneurship Education. Kasia's main project (together with Igors Skute (PhD student expected graduation date: March 2020), Isabella Hatak, and Petra de Weerd Nederhof) focused on detecting early success factors of valorisation grants/ business plans of academic entrepreneurs. This project requires text mining of valorisation grants/business plans and development of a machine learning algorithm to analyse valorisation grants (business plans).
Research profiles
- lecturer of high-tech entrepreneurship at Creative Technology (bachelor programme) and Interaction Technology (Master's programme)
- Participated in developing and launching Nikos/UT MOOC on Entrepreneurship (forthcoming in September on
- Designed curricula, created and taught courses on business modelling, strategic management, strategic alliances management, and innovative entrepreneurship for Business Administration, Industrial Engineering & Management, and Creative Technology.
- Designed a teaching curriculum and taught research management to PhD students in the Twente Graduate School as a follow-up of my PhD project.
- Supervised approximately 70 masters and 50 bachelor students in the fields of: market research, innovation of business models, entrepreneurship, strategic alliances, marketing, strategy development, mergers and acquisitions to name a few. These projects were carried out at both SMEs (e.g. high-tech start-ups, software companies, recruitment agencies, car wholesalers) and large (e.g. large Dutch newspaper publisher, national Dutch bank) companies and resulted in recommendations and advise.
Courses academic year 2025/2026
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2024/2025
- 201600227 - Internship for CreaTe
- 201800229 - Basics of IIE
- 201800382 - Large Interdisciplinary Project CreaTe
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000987 - Mathematics for Interactive Media
- 202000988 - Literature Research Project (Intr.Media)
- 202001474 - Build-up Course Mathematics
- 202200131 - Introduction to CreaTe
- 202200132 - Mathematics 1
- 202200133 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202200134 - Professional Development M1
- 202200194 - IM Project and Game Engine Technology
- 202200195 - Game Design
- 202200196 - Sound Engineering
- 202200197 - 3D Modeling & Animation
- 202300151 - Supplementary Topics CreaTe
- 202300363 - Internship BIT - CS
- 202302011 - Introduction to CreaTe
- 202400411 - Design and Research of User Experience
- 202400425 - Graduation Project II
- 202400442 - Professional Development M5B
- 202400733 - Design and Research of User Experience
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 201300059 - Internship BIT
- 201600227 - Internship for CreaTe
- 201800229 - Basics of IIE
- 201800382 - Large Interdisciplinary Project CreaTe
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000987 - Mathematics for Interactive Media
- 202000988 - Literature Research Project (Intr.Media)
- 202000989 - Professional Development (Intr. Media)
- 202000998 - Responsible Entrepreneurship
- 202001474 - Build-up Course Mathematics
- 202100161 - Graduation Project Part II
- 202200131 - Introduction to Create
- 202200132 - Mathematics 1
- 202200133 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202200134 - Professional Development M1
- 202200194 - IM Project and Game Engine Technology
- 202200195 - Game Design
- 202200196 - Sound Engineering
- 202200197 - 3D Modeling & Animation
- 202300151 - Supplementary Topics CreaTe
- 202300216 - Design and Research of User Experience
- 202300363 - Internship BIT - CS
- 202302011 - Introduction to Create
- 202302012 - Mathematics 1
- 202302013 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202302014 - Professional Development M1

University of Twente
Zilverling (building no. 11), room 1054
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Zilverling 1054
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede