Leo A.M. van Dongen (1954) has worked for the Netherlands Railways (NS, 100% state owned) for 35 years. He retired as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), responsible for the asset management of the rolling stock fleet, workshops and maintenance equipment in August 2019. Since 2010 he is also professor in Maintenance Engineering at the faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente. He was chairman of the Department of Design, Production and Management until his retirement in December 2022.

After his studies in mechanical engineering, he completed his doctoral research at Eindhoven University of Technology on energy efficiency of drive trains for electric vehicles. At DAF Trucks he was active in the development of diesel engines. His career within NS has concentrated mainly on technological functions. These include project manager of electric locomotives, secretary to the executive board, fleet manager at NS Reizigers, and, within NedTrain, he was responsible for technical fleet management, maintenance systems, spare parts purchase, maintenance management and construction of new capital goods.

He promotes the academic development of the engineering profession and encourages further research into maintenance processes: from design methodologies for capital goods to the development of associated maintenance concepts, not only for the initial investment, but also for the management during the entire life-cycle!


  • Social Sciences

    • Railway
    • Maintenance
    • Netherlands
  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Case Study
    • Maintenance Operation
    • Augmented Reality
    • Decision-Making




Research profiles

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