In January 2022, I was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology group (CRPH) at the faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Twente.

I obtained my Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Univ. Campus Bio-Medico of Rome and my II level Master degree in Clinical Engineering at the Univ. of Florence. I obtained a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in Warsaw, in collaboration with the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the National Research Council in Italy. For my post-doc, I joined the group of Cardiac Surgery of KU Leuven in Belgium, thanks to a Marie Curie scholarship. I was also visiting researcher at the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering of the Medical Univ. of Vienna, thanks to the Frans Van de Werf scholarship.

During my research career, I realized the complexity of developing and testing new cardiovascular therapies and of optimizing them to different pathophysiological conditions. Simulation can constitute a solution for these challenges, so I dedicate my energy to the realization of high fidelity cardiovascular simulators to expedite more effective and personalized therapeutic strategies to treat cardiovascular diseases. Simulators are also powerful tools to improve education in healthcare, by providing more effective teaching and training to medical and paramedical students. 

I strongly believe interdisciplinarity is a key factor for a successful research in cardiovascular modelling.  I conduct my activity in strict collaboration with clinicians, covering several activities (clinical studies, in vivo studies, data collection and analysis), and then translate the acquired pathophysiological and clinical knowhow into simulators.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Patient
    • Cardiovascular System
    • Pump
    • Left Ventricular Assist Device
    • Hemodynamic
    • Ventricular Assist Device
    • Hybrid
    • Heart Output




Activation of a Soft Robotic Left Ventricular Phantom Embedded in a Closed-Loop Cardiovascular Simulator: A Computational and Experimental Analysis (2025)Cardiovascular engineering and technology, 16, 34-51. Demeersseman, N., Rocchi, M., Fehervary, H., Collazo, G. F., Meyns, B., Fresiello, L. & Famaey, N. Impact of Acute Exercise on Hemostasis and Angiogenesis Mediators in Patients With Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices: A Prospective Observational Pilot Study (2025)ASAIO Journal, 71(1), 11-20. Chan, C. H. H., Passmore, M. R., Tronstad, O., Seale, H., Bouquet, M., White, N., Teruya, J., Hogan, A., Platts, D., Chan, W., Dashwood, A. M., McGiffin, D. C., Maiorana, A. J., Hayward, C. S., Simmonds, M. J., Tansley, G. D., Suen, J. Y., Fraser, J. F., Meyns, B., … Jacobs, S.


Physiological control for left ventricular assist devices based on deep reinforcement learning (2024)Artificial organs, 48(12), 1418-1429. Fernández-Zapico, D., Peirelinck, T., Deconinck, G., Donker, D. W. & Fresiello, L. evaluation (2024)In Mechanical Circulatory and Respiratory Support (pp. 771-812). Elsevier. Stephens, A. F., Prahl Wittberg, L., Jacobs, S., Roggenkamp, J., Arens, J. & Fresiello, L.All models are wrong but some provide seemingly surprising mechanistic insights into the complexity of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (2024)Perfusion (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Fresiello, L. & Donker, D. W. Prediction Index Is Equally Effective in Predicting Intraoperative Hypotension during Noncardiac Surgery Compared to a Mean Arterial Pressure Threshold: A Prospective Observational Study (2024)Anesthesiology, 141(3), 453-462. Mulder, M. P., Harmannij-Markusse, M., Fresiello, L., Donker, D. W. & Potters, J.-W. Ventricular Unloading in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Clinical Perspective Derived from Basic Cardiovascular Physiology (2024)Current Cardiology Reports, 26(7), 661-667. Protti, I., van Steenwijk, M. P. J., Meani, P., Fresiello, L., Meuwese, C. L. & Donker, D. W. patient-specific echogenic soft robotic left ventricle embedded into a closed-loop cardiovascular simulator for advanced device testing (2024)APL Bioengineering, 8(2). Article 026114. Rocchi, M., Papangelopoulou, K., Ingram, M., Bekhuis, Y., Claessen, G., Claus, P., D'hooge, J., Donker, D. W., Meyns, B. & Fresiello, L. Hypotension Prediction Index and concurrent mean arterial pressure are comparable in predicting intraoperative hypotension: an observational study in non-cardiac surgery patients (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Euroanesthesia, EA 2024 (Accepted/In press). Mulder, M. P., Harmannij-Markusse, M., Fresiello, L., Donker, D. W. & Potters, J.-W.The physiology of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation - A comprehensive clinical perspective (2024)Perfusion, 39(1_suppl), 5S-12S. Fresiello, L., Hermens, J. A. J., Pladet, L., Meuwese, C. L. & Donker, D. W.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

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