
dr. L. Gatti (Lorenzo)

Assistant Professor

About Me

Research and Education

I joined the UT after obtaining my PhD in 2018 from the University of Trento (Italy) and the FBK-irst research institute. My background is in Natural Language Processing, but I have also studied Human Computer Interaction and Cognitive Psychology.

I'm currently teaching in multiple Bachelor and Master courses, for the TCS, BIT, CS and I-TECH programmes.

My research focus is natural language processing (NLP) and generation (NLG). I'm particularly interested in computational creativity, NLP/NLG for videogames, sentiment and emotion analysis, and using NLP for detecting moral values


Confidential advisor

I believe the University should be a welcoming, positive and safe place for everyone, but sadly this does not always happen. This is why I also am a confidential advisor at the UT.

If you are facing unwanted behavior (intimidation, (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, discrimination, bullying or stalking) on the workplace or related to your work, you're welcome to come talk to me, or to one of my colleagues.

I will listen to you and trust you. Our conversations will be completely confidential, I will not take any action without your consent, and we can reason toghether about possible solutions.

To get in contact with me, you can call me on my work number or send me an email (consider using the non-UT-managed address confidentialadvisorgatti@protonmail.com for extra privacy) and we'll agree on where and when to meet discreetly.

If the perpetrator of the unwanted behavior is a member of the HMI or MST groups, please contact another confidential advisor, as I could face a conflict of interest.


Engineering & Materials Science
Computational Linguistics
Sentiment Analysis
Arts & Humanities
Social Sciences


Araque, O., Barbaglia, L., Berlingieri, F., Colagrossi, M. , Gatti, L., Consoli, S., Mauri, C., & Kalimeri, K. (2023). Beyond the Headlines: Understanding Sentiments and Morals Impacting Female Employment in Spain. Paper presented at Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable, DWMV 2023, Limassol, Cyprus. https://workshop-proceedings.icwsm.org/abstract.php?id=2023_03
Liscio, E., Araque, O. , Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K., & Murukannaiah, P. K. (2023). What does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral Rhetoric. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (2023 ed., pp. 14113-14132). (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Vol. 1). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.789
Araque, O. , Gatti, L., & Kalimeri, K. (2022). LibertyMFD: A Lexicon to Assess the Moral Foundation of Liberty. In GoodIT 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (pp. 154-160). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3524458.3547264
Gatti, L., Stock, O., Strapparava, C., & Özbal, G. (2022). Pragmatic evaluations of automated linguistic creativity. Language resources and evaluation, 56, 451–476. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-021-09560-6
Araque, O. , Gatti, L., Staiano, J., & Guerini, M. (2022). DepecheMood++: a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 13(1), 496-507. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2934444
Gatti, L., Stock, O., & Strapparava, C. (2021). Cognition and Computational Linguistic Creativity. In M. Danesi (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (pp. 1-39). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44982-7_33-1
Araque, O. , Gatti, L., & Kalimeri, K. (2021). The Language of Liberty. Abstract from 30th Web Conference, WWW 2021, Online Event.
Braun, N., van der Lee, C. , Gatti, L., Goudbeek, M., & Krahmer, E. (2021). MEmoFC: introducing the Multilingual Emotional Football Corpus. Language resources and evaluation, 55, 389-430. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-020-09508-2
Geissler, D., Nguyen, E., Theodorakopoulos, D. , & Gatti, L. (2020). Pokérator - Unveil your inner Pokémon. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20) (pp. 500-503) http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc20/papers/159-iccc20.pdf

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Visiting Address

University of Twente
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Citadel (building no. 09), room H227
Hallenweg 15
7522NH  Enschede
The Netherlands

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Mailing Address

University of Twente
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Citadel  H227
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands