Passionate and result-oriented second-year PhD candidate with ± 4 years of dedicated research experience in Science, Technology, and Society studies (STS) in the agricultural domain. Committed to supporting the agroecological transition of agri-food systems. Graduated cum laude from Maastricht University in the STS research master programme ‘Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology’.


I am a PhD candidate as part of the Synergia research project. Synergia (2021-2027) is an NWO research project aimed at exploring how current and future farming technologies can enable and support ecology-based farming systems (

My research adopts a practice-based approach to studying agricultural sensors by examining farmers’ sensing practices and the visions and imaginaries of key actors involved in sensor development. This will serve as a basis for deducing requirements and options for responsibly governing sensors for ecology-based farming.

Other contributions



  • Arslanovic , H., Barendregt, L., Camps, J., Carboni, C., Gelissen, C., Gorissen, L., Groen, T., Hopland, J. G., van Ool, S., & Swinnen, A. (2019). "There’s No Limit to an Artist!": A Critical Inquiry into Age-Related Policies and Experiences at the Jan van Eyck Academie. Jan van Eyck Akademie.

Contributions to journals

  • Leclère, M., Gorissen, L., Cuijpers, Y., Colombo, L., Schoonhoven-Speijer, M. & Rossing, W.A.H. (2024). Fostering action perspectives to support crop diversification: Lessons from 25 change-oriented case studies across Europe. Accepted for publication in Agricultural Systems.
  • Gorissen, L. (2020). Leren van je bazen. De totstandkoming van de metaalcluster van Tegelen (1855 1914). Studies over de sociaal‐economische geschiedenis van Limburg. Jaarboek van het Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg, 70-101.


  • Rossing, W. A.H. H., Gorissen, L., Schoonhoven Speijer, M. (2022). Deliverable 2.5 – CSs’ innovation progress in both technological and institutional terms; DiverIMPACTS project.
  • Colombo, L., Vanhove, P., Curran, M. P., Bliss, K., Villa, A., Dumper-Pollard, R., Cuijpers, Y., De Jong, D., Gorissen, L., Rossing, W.A.H. (2021). Deliverable 2.4 – Second intermediate report on CSs’ evolutions in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators; DiverIMPACTS project.
  • Colombo, L., Gomiero, T., Cuijpers, Y., De Jong, D., Gorissen, L., Leclere, M., Rossing, W. A.H. (2020). Deliverable 2.3 – Mid-term CSs’ evolutions in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators; DiverIMPACTS project.
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