Loes Hogenkamp is working as a teacher at the department of Instructional Technology. In 2019 she obtained her bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Twente. In 2020 she finished her master's in Learning Sciences at the UT, after writing her master's thesis 'Analyzing Socially Shared Regulation of Learning during Cooperative Learning and the Role of Equal Contribution: A Grounded Theory Approach'. After graduation, Loes started working as a Junior researcher at the department of ELAN at the UT, where she worked on the EU funded project QUASI (Qualitative Analysis of Selfie Impact). In 2022, Loes became a Junior Researcher at the department of 'Working in Education' of Utrecht University of Applied sciences. Here she worked on several practice-oriented studies, mainly regarding teacher jobhappiness, workload, teamcentered working and heterogeneous classes. 

Currently, Loes is involved as a teacher and thesis supervisor in the Bachelor's programme of Psychology and the (pre-) Master Educational Science and Technology.


Research interests:

  • Cooperative learning
  • Self-regulation
  • Socially Shared Regulation of Learning
  • Working in heterogeneous groups
  • Collaborative processes
  • Giftedness
  • Wellbeing

Other contributions

Hogenkamp, L., van Dijk, A.M., & Eysink, T.H.S. (2021). Analyzing socially shared regulation of learning during cooperative learning and the role of equal contribution: A grounded theory approach. Education Sciences, 11(9), Article 512. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11090512

Kennisrotonde. (2023). Heeft een plusklas een positieve invloed op het zelfregulerend leren van begaafde leerlingen? Maakt het daarbij verschil hoeveel uur de leerlingen in een week naar de plusklas gaan? (KR. 1622)

Finished projects

QUASI: Qualitative Assessment of SELFIE impact


University of Twente

Capitool 15 (building no. 78), room 309
Capitool 15
7521 PL Enschede

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