The construction industry generates a large amount of “construction and demolition waste”, given little attention is paid to material recovery. As a key strategy, the widespread implementation of building materials reuse has suffered from information deficiencies, which can be potentially improved with digitalization. Therefore, the PhD project of Li Jiang aims to support information flow in reuse processes throughout digitalization in the built environment, especially under the context of renovation and demolition project. 


PACER project (Work package 3)

Renovation projects are complex and multi-objective design challenges, that are characterized by intensive decision-making and organizational activities concerning a building’s future. Such projects uniquely connect a variety of otherwise fragmented disciplines. Crucial for fostering more circular renovation practices with lower emissions is the availability of accurate, timely and concise information on supply chains and material flows and optimal design strategies which take into account multiple perspectives of value creation from different stakeholders. This is what PACER (Collaborative, Digitized and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation) will provide by developing collaborative, digitized and integral processes and tools and legal and economic frameworks to achieve circular and emission free renovation practices. Li Jiang is the PhD candidate involved in the work package 3 of PACER regarding digitalization in reverse value chain. 


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Z202
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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