This is Li Jiang, a PDEng (ET department) from the University of Twente.

I come from China and achieved my bachelor's degree in Construction Management from Shenzhen University in China. Then I moved to the Netherlands to do my master's study at the University of Twente in 2018. During my master's study, I mainly focused on circularity measurement and BIM application in Civil Engineering. My master thesis was about developing a method for assessing circularity performance in the construction sector, under the supervisor of Dr.Ir. R.S. de Graaf and Dr. S. Bhochhibhoya.

Thanks the affirmation of Dr. J.T. Voordijk, Dr.Ir. M.C. Van den Berg and Prof.Dr.Ir. A.M. Adriaanse, I can have the opportunity to conduct the PDEng project (about measuring circularity using BIM to further my research and also my interest!  

Chain partners have a need for timely, relevant, and accurate information to make decisions about circularity. My PDEng project will combine a scientific research approach with the construction practice to better understand those information needs on the one hand and on the other hand, develop a digital method to meet those needs. This project includes the design and the (re) construction of an existing building and a new building on the campus of the University of Twente. 


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