Professor of Spatial Dynamics of Ecosystem Services. Current research includes RS-based ecosystem service mapping and monitoring, impact assessments of integrated restoration, citizen science integration in impact research, and prioritization of investments in land degradation neutrality actions. Website: About me.

PhD in spatial modelling of multifunctional landscapes from Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Worked before at Bioversity International in Colombia, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Italy, Cornell University in the USA. Roles: (Coordinating) Lead Author of the Business and Biodiversity and Land Degradation & Restoration assessments of IPBES, Board of the Executive Committee of Ecosystem Services Partnership, and editorial work for several journals. Former board member of the JA@UT, the young academy of the University of Twente.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Ecosystem Service
    • Datum
    • Remote Sensing
    • Impact
    • Ecological Restoration
    • Landscape
    • Restoration
  • Social Sciences

    • Ecosystem Services


Ancillary activities

  • Ecosystem Service PartnershipExecutive Committee Ecosystem Service Partnership
  • NWO WOTROChair Programme Committee Joint SDG research initiative
  • Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platfom on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)IPBES Lead Author Business and Biodiversity Assessment
  • ElsevierSpecial Issue Editor Journal Ecosystem Services

Prof. Louise (Wieteke) Willemen holds the chair of Spatial Dynamics of Ecosystem Services. Her research primarily focuses on making quantitative spatial information on ecosystem services available to support multi-objective decision making. Her current research includes RS-based ecosystem service mapping and monitoring, impact assessments of integrated restoration, incorporating citizen science in impact research, and prioritization of investments in land degradation neutrality actions. She contributes to bridging science-policy through her roles as Coordinating Lead Author of the Land Degradation and Restoration & Lead Author of the Business and Biodiversity Assessments of IPBES, Board of the Executive Committee of Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP, an international network aiming at linking ecosystem service science with practice to enhance communication, coordination and cooperation), active science communication and editorial work for several journals.

Louise Willemen has a PhD in spatial modelling from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and an MSc degree from the same university in Tropical Land Use studies (specialization in plant production systems and GIS). She has worked at several science and policy organizations including Bioversity International in Colombia, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Italy, Cornell University in the USA, and has collaborated with many on-the-ground partners.

Read more about me here.


How remote sensing choices influence ecosystem services monitoring and evaluation results of ecological restoration interventions, Article 101565. Río-Mena, T. d., Willemen, L., Vrieling, A. & Nelson, A. green spaces and variation in cooling in the humid tropics: The case of Paramaribo, Article 128111. Best, L., Schwarz, N., Obergh, D., Teuling, A. J., van Kanten, R. & Willemen, L. technologies for assessing ecosystem services: A synthesis of opportunities and challenges, Article 101558. Schirpke, U., Ghermandi, A., Sinclair, M., Van Berkel, D., Fox, N., Vargas, L. & Willemen, L. from afar: views on nature and society. University of Twente. Willemen, L. the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes, 67-77. Waeber, P. O., Carmenta, R., Estrada-Carmona, N., Garcia, C., Falk, T., Fellay, A., Ghazoul, J., Reed, J., Willemen, L., Zhang, W. & Kleinschroth, F. sensing to quantify ecosystem services for monitoring and evaluating ecological restoration interventions. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Del Río-Mena, T. elements of the Nature Futures Framework through in situ place descriptions: An empirical study in urban blue locationsIn Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Platial Information Science (pp. 5-13). Teurlincx, S., van Halsema, R., SM Deffner, A., Willemen, L. & Egorova, E.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

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