As Information Specialist for the faculty of Engineering Technology I am the link between the faculty and the University Library. I support researchers on subjects such as publishing, finding & acquiring literature, conducting literature reviews, plagiarism, and the visual presentation of information.
I teach Information Literacy in the Bachelor's programmes and Premaster of the faculty of Engineering Technology (UT) and at Mechanical Engineering (VU). Through my teaching I aim to help students find, access and judge sources of information and use this information in a responsible and correct manner. Additionally I provide workshops on the visual presentation of information.
As Information Specialist for the faculty of Engineering Technology I am the link between the faculty and the University Library. I support researchers on subjects such as publishing, finding & acquiring literature, conducting literature reviews, plagiarism, and the visual presentation of information (Information Design).
I teach Information Literacy in the Bachelor's programmes and Premaster of the faculty of Engineering Technology (UT) and at Mechanical Engineering (VU). Through my teaching I aim to help students find, access and judge sources of information and use this information in a responsible and correct manner. Additionally I provide workshops on the visual presentation of information (Information Design).
Affiliated study programs

University of Twente
Horst Complex (building no. 20), room T415
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
University of Twente
Horst Complex T415
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede