
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Water Footprint
    • Drug
    • Water
    • Catchment
    • Investigation
    • Pollution
    • Water Pollution
    • Environment


My background is in environmental science and water resources engineering and I hold a PhD in water management. Specifically I looked at various aspects related to pharmaceuticals in water systems by integrating pollution modelling with social science methods. The integration of diverse methods as well as perspectives on environmental problems has caught my interest and I am looking forward to intensify this work in the future.




An integrated assessment of pharmaceuticals in water systems (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Wöhler, L. grey water footprint of milk due to nitrate leaching from dairy farms in Canterbury, New Zealand (2022)Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 29(2), 177-199. Joy, M. K., Rankin, D. A., Wöhler, L., Boyce, P., Canning, A., Foote, K. J. & Mcnie, P. M.


An integrated modelling approach to derive the grey water footprint of veterinary antibiotics (2021)Environmental Pollution, 288. Article 117746. Wöhler, L., Brouwer, P., Augustijn, D. C. M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Hogeboom, R. J., Irvine, B., Lämmchen, V., Niebaum, G. & Krol, M. S.


Alternative societal solutions to pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment (2020)Journal of cleaner production, 277. Article 124350. Wöhler, L., Hoekstra, A. Y., Hogeboom, R. J., Brugnach, M. & Krol, M. S. societal solutions to pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment (2020)[Contribution to conference › Poster] AGU Fall Meeting 2020. Wöhler, L., Hoekstra, A. Y., Hogeboom, R., Brugnach, M. F. & Krol, M. S.The grey water footprint of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals (2020)Water research X, 7. Article 100044. Wöhler, L., Niebaum, G., Krol, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.

Research profiles

Finished projects

Regional Energy Transition as Systemic Integration (RETSI)

In the RETSI project, UT researchers cooperate with regional partners to: (1) identify factors influencing energy transition integration potential in rural and urban contexts and their interface; and (2) design new action perspectives for private and public actors for exploiting synergies of energy transition integration in different contexts. This NWO-funded project (MARET call) is implemented in collaboration between 3 UT Faculties (ET, BMS and ITC).



Good water quality is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems as well as for the supply of clean drinking water. Pharmaceuticals and multi-resistant bacteria are frequently found in the aquatic environment and therefore endanger the water quality status. The 27 members of the MEDUWA project, including universities, private companies, hospitals, governmental and non-governmental organizations from Germany and the Netherlands, address this problem with several different approaches along the entire medicine chain. These include: measurements, visualization and communication of the problem, simulating action, and mitigation and prevention. The University of Twente contributes to the MEDUWA project by modelling the Grey Water Footprint (GWF) for different pharmaceutical substances in the Vecht river catchment. The GWF is an indicator of the volume of water pollution and will be estimated for a selected number of pharmaceuticals and spatially mapped, distinguishing between GWFs related to wastewater from households and hospitals and to various types of livestock farming. GWFs will thereby also be expressed as polluted water volumes per unit of household, per patient, and per unit of animal product, like meat, milk or eggs. Furthermore, scenarios with possible measures to reduce pharmaceutical emissions will be developed. Their effectiveness will be evaluated by using the GWF model. A visualization of all results is shown in an App that is going to be developed by GeoplexGIS GmbH. MEDUWA – Vecht(e) is an INTERREG project between Germany and the Netherlands focusing on the transboundary river catchment of the Vecht.


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W206
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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