Marc van den Berg develops circular urban mining futures. His research line uncovers innovative (de)construction practices that enable reuse, now and in the future. He thereby rethinks the existing built environment as an urban mine where waste becomes a resource. His research explores the profound implications for managing such resource flows; from the information needs of demolition contractors to the challenges that designers face in applying circularity. Marc likes collaborating with a wide range of parties along the reverse value chain to develop actionable circularity transition pathways for tomorrow.


Selection of (recent) publications:


Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020


Circular Construction Ecosystems: Designing a Circularity Information Platform for the Built Environment (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Yu, Y. for Success. Fieldlabs@Scale (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Vadacca, L., van den Berg, M., Deken, F. & Volker, L. responsible futures: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of circular design experiences in construction (2024)Sustainable Production and Consumption, 51, 92-104. van den Berg, M., Schraven, D., De Wolf, C. & Voordijk, H. Processes for Circular Material Reuse in Construction: Digital Technologies and Challenges (2024)In 1 st International Conference ā€œCircular Economy: the pathway towards a sustainable developmentā€ of the Hellenic Society for Circular Economy: Book of abstracts (pp. 172-175). Jiang, L., van den Berg, M., Voordijk, H. & Hartmann, A. (de)construction matchmaking: A matter of space and time (2024)Journal of industrial ecology, 28(4), 868-884. Yu, Y., van den Berg, M. & Yazan, D. M. Dynamics in Fieldlabs (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Volker, L., Deken, F., van den Berg, M. & Vadacca, L. ethnographic account of circular demolition practices: Realising reuse potentials (2024)In Embracing ethnography: Doing contextualised construction research (pp. 267-280). Routledge. van den Berg, M. C. hubs in the built environment: Validating an agent-based scenario demonstrator (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 40th Annual ARCOM Conference 2024: Looking back to move forward. Yu, Y., van den Berg, M. & Yazan, D. M.Circularity on demand and at the side: Working rules in infrastructure design practices (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 40th Annual ARCOM Conference 2024: Looking back to move forward. Hartmann, A., van den Berg, M., Stevering, T., Busse, R. & Klanker, G.Digital technology use cases for deconstruction and reverse logistics (2024)In A Circular Built Environment in the Digital Age (pp. 197-212) (Circular Economy and Sustainability). Springer. van den Berg, M. C. for reusing building components: A case-study of integrating disassembly and design (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 40th Annual ARCOM Conference 2024: Looking back to move forward. da Conceição, A., Gruis, V. & van den Berg, M.Multi-objective decision-making for sustainable construction: Designing an interactive method for multi-actor project settings (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 40th Annual ARCOM Conference 2024: Looking back to move forward. Groenia, S., van den Berg, M., Volker, L., Valcke, S. & Barros, E.Navigating value conflicts for scaling innovations: A conceptual contribution to Strategic Niche Management (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2024. Vadacca, L., Coenen, T. & van den Berg, M. C.Niche innovations for sustainability transitions: Creating and capturing multiple values (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 9th International New Business Models Conference, NBM 2024. Vadacca, L., van den Berg, M. C., Deken, F. & Volker, L.


Decision-support for selecting demolition waste management strategies (2023)Buildings and Cities, 4(1), 883-901. van den Berg, M., Hulsbeek, L. & Voordijk, H. circularity assessments across project phases (2023)In 39th Annual ARCOM Conference 2023, Leeds, United Kingdom (pp. 318-327). Jiang, L., van den Berg, M. C., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. A.How Circular Construction Ecosystems Grow: An Agent-Based Matchmaking Model (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 39th Annual ARCOM Conference 2023. Yu, Y., van den Berg, M. C. & Yazan, D. M.Circularity information platform for the built environment (2023)Automation in construction, 152. Article 104933. Yu, Y., Yazan, D. M., van den Berg, M. C., Firdausy, D., Junjan, V. & Iacob, M. E. perceptions on implementing design for disassembly and standardisation for heterogeneous construction components (2023)Waste management & research, 41(8), 1372-1381. Anastasiades, K., Dockx, J., van den Berg, M., Rinke, M., Blom, J. & Audenaert, A. assessment in a BIM environment (2023)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Jiang, L.


Design science research in construction: On balancing acts, design artefacts and Ripple effects (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 38th Annual ARCOM Conference 2022. van den Berg, M. C. & olde Scholtenhuis, L. L.Evaluating reuse conditions during a circular demolition project: An ethnographic study (2022)In ARCOM 2022 Conference (pp. 224-233). Hulsbeek, L. & van den Berg, M. C.Material efficiency insights with BIM-based circularity assessment: A design science research study (2022)In ARCOM 2022 Conference (pp. 234-244). Jiang, L., van den Berg, M. C., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. A.


BIM uses for deconstruction: an activity-theoretical perspective on reorganising end-of-life practices (2021)Construction management and economics, 39(4), 323-339. van den Berg, M., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. circular design projects: Four tool applications and reflections (2021)In The second International Conference of Circular Systems for the Built Environment (ICSBE2-2021) (pp. 169-181). Eindhoven University of Technology. van den Berg, M., Schraven, D., Schultheiss, F. & Frese, T.


The Virtual River Game: Gaming using models to collaboratively explore river management complexity (2020)Environmental modelling & software, 134. Article 104855. den Haan, R. J., van der Voort, M. C., Baart, F., Berends, K. D., van den Berg, M. C., Straatsma, M. W., Geenen, A. J. P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. e-waste in civil engineering projects: Lessons learned from implementing circularity (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2020. Bašić, M., van den Berg, M. & de Graaf, R. S.Information processing for end-of-life coordination: a multiple-case study (2020)Construction innovation, 20(4), 647-671. van den Berg, M., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. building elements for reuse (or not): Ethnographic insights into selective demolition practices (2020)Journal of cleaner production, 256. Article 120332. van den Berg, M., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A.

Other contributions

Platform CB'23 (2023). "Leidraad circulair ontwerpen: Werkafspraken voor een circulaire bouw." from Leidraad_Circulair-ontwerpen_2-0.pdf (

Research profiles

My (Bachelor and Master) courses are about designing circular civil engineering systems.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Active participant in leading circular construction research and industry networks, such as the 4TU Circularity and SustainabilityĀ Domain Acceleration Team.Ā 

Current projects

Fieldlabs@Scale: Towards effective collaborative experimentation for mission-driven innovation


Fieldlabs are emerging as a promising approach to mission-driven innovation. They bring together regional stakeholdersā€”including business and knowledge institutesā€”to collaboratively experiment with solutions for societal challenges. Their effectiveness remains mixed as they face problems in scaling such innovative solutions in business ecosystems. Involving a broad, interdisciplinary consortium, Fieldlabs@Scale studies fieldlabs in agriculture, healthcare, infrastructure, and smart industry. We develop new theories on mechanisms for collaborative experimentation and co-create a toolkit and Fieldlab Academy programmes alongside policymakers, regional network organisations, and fieldlab participants in our consortium, to support fieldlabs in accelerating mission-driven innovation and generate economic and societal value.

PACER (Collaborative, Digitalized and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation)


Renovation projects are complex and multi-objective design challenges, that are characterized by intensive decision-making and organizational activities concerning a buildingā€™s future. Such projects uniquely connect a variety of otherwise fragmented disciplines. Crucial for fostering more circular renovation practices with lower emissions is the availability of accurate, timely and concise information on supply chains and material flows and optimal design strategies which take into account multiple perspectives of value creation from different stakeholders. This is what PACER (Collaborative, Digitized and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation) will provide by developing collaborative, digitized and integral processes and tools and legal and economic frameworks to achieve circular and emission free renovation practices.

In the press

  • 'digiGO maakt aannemers 'slimmer en sneller'' onĀ, September 14, 2022Ā (Dutch)
  • 'Een gebouw is geen wegwerpproduct' onĀ NPO Radio 1, September 7, 2019 (Dutch)
  • 'Circulair is nog zĆ³'n abstract begrip. Geef bouwers handvatten'Ā inĀ Cobouw July 16, 2019Ā (Dutch)

News on

  • 'Breakthrough to circular and emission-free building' onĀ utwente.nlĀ (December 12, 2023)
  • 'Marc van den Berg (ET) wins Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award' onĀ utwente.nlĀ (October 14, 2020)
  • 'UT provides tools for circular demolition and design of buildings' onĀ (June 5, 2019)


University of Twente

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