I am a clinical epidemiologist and assistant professor of oncology care at the University of Twente. I also have an external positition at the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL). I obtained my PhD in 2018 at the University of Twente. My thesis was entitled: ā€œLocal management of early breast cancer and clinical risk prediction of survivalā€. In this thesis I mainly focused on 1) the evaluation of breast-conserving therapy and mastectomy in the daily breast cancer population, in which I worked with several methodologies suitable for observational research, and 2) development and validation of prediction models for use in daily clinical practice.

My current research activities include research on long-term outcomes following a variety of treatments for breast cancer. I am involved in the registration of pathologically confirmed recurrences in the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR), which is hosted by IKNL. I am part of the NABOR project team working on a by ZonMW subsidised research on personalised breast cancer follow-up. Here I am responsible for the development/update of the INFLUENCE 3.0 prediction tool that estimates the risk of locoregional recurrence and second primary breast cancer, for which I use the data from IKNL.

I teach on research methodology and quality of care in several modules within theĀ BMT/BME and GZW/HS bachelor and master programmes.Ā Besides, I am co-developer of a new learning line in the BMT bachelor on methodology and statistics.

Furthermore, I am a board member of the Netherlands Epidemiology Society (VvE) in which I focus on advanced epidemiological methods: how do we make sure epidemiologists within and outside of academia know of these methodologies and how can we spread our knowledge. In addition, I am member and coordinator of the national breast cancer working groups (NABON-BOOG) scientific evaluation committee of NCR data requests.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Breast Cancer
    • Patient
    • Therapeutic Procedure
    • Mastectomy
    • Breast
    • Combination Therapy
    • Overall Survival
    • Survival




Deintensification of Radiotherapy Use in Treatment of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in the Netherlandsā€“A Nationwide Overview From 2008 Until 2022 (2025)Clinical oncology, 38. Article 103740. Evers, J., van der Sangen, M. J. C., van Maaren, M. C., Maduro, J. H., Strobbe, L., Aarts, M. J., Bloemers, M. C. W. M., Wesseling, J., van den Bongard, D. H. J. G., Struikmans, H. & Siesling, S.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clon.2024.10374070-Gene signature-guided adjuvant systemic treatment adjustments in early-stage ER+ā€‰breast cancer patients: 7-year follow-up of a prospective multicenter cohort study (2025)Breast cancer research and treatment, 209, 331–340. Verreck, E. E. F., Kuijer, A., van Steenhoven, J. E. C., Volders, J. H., van der Velden, A. W. G., Siesling, S., Timmer-Bonte, A. N. H., Smilde, T. J., Imholz, A. L. T., Blanken-Peeters, C. F. J. M., de Valk, B., Vrijaldenhoven, S., Lastdrager, W. B., Haringhuizen, A. W., Hunting, J. C. B., Hovenga, S., Nieboer, P., Zuetenhorst, H. M., Tetteroo, G. W. M., ā€¦ van Dalen, T.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10549-024-07496-3Development of a prediction model for clinically-relevant fatigue: a multi-cancer approach (2025)Quality of life research, 34, 231-245. Adiprakoso, D., Katsimpokis, D., Oerlemans, S., Ezendam, N. P. M., van Maaren, M. C., van Til, J. A., van der Heijden, T. G. W., Mols, F., Aben, K. K. H., Vink, G. R., Koopman, M., van de Poll-Franse, L. V. & de Rooij, B. H.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-024-03807-9


Radiotherapy Trends and Variations in Invasive Non-metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment in the Netherlands: A Nationwide Overview From 2008 to 2019 (2024)Clinical oncology, 36(12), 765-779. Evers, J., van der Sangen, M. J. C., van Maaren, M. C., Maduro, J. H., Strobbe, L., Aarts, M. J., Bloemers, M. C. W. M., van den Bongard, D. H. J. G., Struikmans, H. & Siesling, S.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clon.2024.08.010Residual breast tissue after mastectomy and reconstruction: A substudy of the Spatial location of breast cancer local rECurRence aftEr masTectomy (SECRET) project (2024)European journal of surgical oncology, 50(11). Article 108607. Kaidar-Person, O., Sklair-Levy, M., Anaby, D., Bernstein-Molho, R., van Maaren, M. C., de Munck, L., de Ruysscher, D., Offersen, B., Poortmans, P., Boersma, L. J., Menke-Pluijmers, M. B. E., Doeksen, A., van Vliet-Moret, F., Bargon, C., Strobbe, L., Bindels, M., Volders, J., Simons, J., Kanter, A. V. d., ā€¦ Schok, T.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejso.2024.108607The INFLUENCE 3.0 model: updated predictions of locoregional recurrence and contralateral breast cancer, now also suitable for patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic therapy (2024)The Breast, 79. Article 103829 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van Maaren , M. C., Hueting, T. A., van Uden, D. J. P., van Hezewijk, M., de Munck, L., Mureau, M. A. M., Seegers, P. A., Voorham, Q. J. M., Schmidt, M. K., Sonke, G. S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, C. G. M. & Siesling, S.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.breast.2024.103829Implementation of ultra-hypofractionated radiotherapy schedules for breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands (2024)Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 47. Article 100807. Eijkelboom, A. H., Stam, M. R., van den Bongard, D. H. J. G., Sattler, M. G. A., Bantema-Joppe, E. J., Siesling, S. & van Maaren, M. C.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctro.2024.100807Radical hysterectomy or chemoradiotherapy for clinically early-stage cervical cancer with suspicious lymph nodes on imaging: a retrospective cohort study (2024)Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 36(2). Article e16 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Olthof, E. P., Wenzel, H. H. B., van Maaren, M. C., van der Velden, J., Spijkerboer, A. M., Bekkers, R. L. M., Beltman, J. J., Slangen, B. F. M., Nijman, H. W., Smolders, R. G. V., Trommel, N. E. v., Zusterzeel, P. L. M., Zweemer, R. P., Stalpers, L. J. A., van der Aa, M. A. & Mom, C. H.https://doi.org/10.3802/jgo.2025.36.e16The INFLUENCE 3.0 model: updated predictions of locoregional recurrence and contralateral breast cancer, now also suitable for patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic therapy (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Research Square Publications. van Maaren, M. C., Hueting, T. A., van Uden, D. J. P., van Hezewijk, M., de Munck, L., Mureau, M. A. M., Seegers, P. A., Voorham, Q. J., Schmidt, M. K., Sonke, G. S., Oudshoorn, C. G. M. & Siesling, S.https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4304136/v1The effectiveness of personalised surveillance and aftercare in breast cancer follow-up: a systematic review (2024)Supportive care in cancer, 32. Article 323. van Maaren, M. C., van Middelkoop-van Hoeve, J. C., Korevaar, J. C., van Hezewijk, M., Siemerink, E. J. M., Zeillemaker, A. M., Klaassen-Dekker, A., van Uden, D. J. P., Volders, J. H., Drossaert, S. C. H. C. & Siesling, S.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-024-08530-2

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