Curiousity killed the cat, or in my case a lot of gizmos. Disassembling and (hopefully) reassembling objects in order to learn how they worked was a hobby of mine before I knew what that word actually meant. You could say that understanding devices and materials has been a life long passion of mine; starting with regular objects like clocks or pens, then moving smaller and smaller things. Questions about "why is hair so hard to break?" slowly changed into "how does a microchip actually function?" This facination in the very tiny inspired me to study Applied Physics (BSc) and Nanotechnology (MSc) here at the University of Twente where I learned both how to think like a scientist, but also to appreciate the subtlety of the nano-world.
Having finished my Master's at XUV Optics on a survey study on the effects of entropy against oxide progression in thin film alloys, I was then assigned as a PhD candidate on the same topic - continuing to work on understanding the role of entropy and various other material properties in thin film alloys and compounds. I do this work along with prof. dr. Marcelo Ackermann (XUV), Robbert van de Kruijs (XUV) and Wesley van den Beld (XUV) - dubbed "Project ATOM".
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.