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Mireille works as an assistant professor at the section Educational Science. Her research focuses at understanding and supporting the process of organizational change and the professional development of employees and managers that is required to implement and sustain those changes. Important theories in her work are Routine Dynamics and theories of learning at the workplace.

Her doctoral dissertation, defended in 2016, illustrated the relationship between capacity building and sustainable change, and the challenges that are arise in the process of change.

All scientific publications can be found here:Ā


Mireille works as an assistant professor at the department Educational Science. Her research focuses at understanding and supporting the process of organizational change and the professional development of employees and managers that is required to implement and sustain those changes. Important theories in her work are Routine Dynamics and theories of learning at the workplace.

Her doctoral dissertation, defended in 2016, illustrated the relationship between capacity building and sustainable change, and the challenges that are arise in the process of change.

All scientific publications can be found here:Ā



De rol van HRD en e-HRM bij het invoeren van organisatieveranderingen: een routine dynamics-perspectief. (2021)In Handboek Human Resource Development : Organiseren van het leren (pp. 639-653). LannooCampus. Post - Hubers, M. D. & Bondarouk, T.

Research profiles

MireilleĀ mainly teaches in the domain of Human Resource Development in the Master Educational Science & Technology (EST). She is currently involved as a coordinator, teacher and/or supervisor of (groups of) students in the following courses:

  • Professional Learning in Organizations (B3)
  • Research Studio (Pre-M)
  • Designing for Professional Learning in Organisations (Pre-M)
  • Leadership and Organizational Change (M)
  • Master Thesis (M)

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Current projects

Hit the gas! Learning communities to accelerate learning and innovation in the installation sector

The energy transition requires (future) installation workers to adapt to new ways of working and to proactively develop new practices. In this project, Learning Communities composed of (future) installation workers and experts from various educational programs, are organized around paid market assignments related to the energy transition. These Learning Communities should accelerate learning and innovation, but evidence of how and why Learning Communities contribute to sustained learning and development is still anecdotical and often exclusively focused on short-term outcomes. Therefore, in this project innovative measurement methods and analysis techniques are used to unravel the dynamics of underlying learning processes and influencing factors during and after employees' participation in Learning Communities. Moreover, a scaffolding intervention using adaptive learning technology is developed and tested to support participantsā€™ active learning in Learning Communities. Finally, the consortium partners use the realistic evaluation framework to determine the crucial design characteristics of effective Learning Communities.

The Kaleidoscope - Educational change

Change is ubiquitous in education. Even though there is commitment and excitement for such changes in the beginning, it appears to be difficult to implement and sustain these changes over time. The Kaleidoscope for schools is developed by dr. Mireille Hubers and prof. dr. Klaas van Veen. It is a working method that supports schools in implementing and sustaining educational changes. This method is rooted in the theory of routine dynamics and models of teachersā€™ professional development. The Kaleidoscope is a method that supports a professional learning community in the schools. Amongst other things, this is done via creating awareness and facilitating rich discussions of the role that the situation and context play a role during the change processes (e.g., is there a shared vision of the problem and outcome?). Moreover, the members of the professional learning community will experiment with ways to implement these changes. Such experiments are also made accessible to the other colleagues in the school via online mobile support.

Collaborating and knowledge-sharing in heterogenous expert teams: Research within the Extended Product Lifecycle Management

Implementing and sustaining organizational change

Lesson study as an organizational routine in secondary education in the Netherlands


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