Menno D.T. de Jong is a full professor of technical and organizational communication at the department of Communication Science. His research focuses on the role communication plays in societal and organizational challenges. In such challenges, communication is always part of the problem and part of the solution, never limited to media and explicit messages, and always inextricably interwoven with the subject-matter at hand. His research involves a wide variety of practically relevant topics, for which communication is studied in close relation to organizational characteristics, technological developments, and the affordances of design. He always tries to combine practical relevance with academic rigor.

Examples of current topics are:

  • Sustainability and corporate social responsibility
  • The energy transition
  • Online privacy and security
  • Globalization and cultural differences
  • Competencies of communication professionals
  • Corporate visual identity and corporate sensory identity
  • Usability, user experience, appropriation, and implementation of technology

Menno currently serves on the editorial boards of eight academic journals. From 2009 to 2015, he was editor-in-chief of Technical Communication, the flagship journal of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). He received many awards for his academic work, including two lifetime awards for research excellence (from the STC and the IEEE Professional Communication Society) and two Landmark Paper awards from the IEEE Professional Communication Society.

So far, he has supervised 18 successful PhD projects. Three of his former PhD students were granted a veni scholarship from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Communication
  • Computer Science

    • User
  • Social Sciences

    • Chinese
    • Organizations
    • Consumers
    • Western
    • Guides


Ancillary activities

  • AcademionProgram assessment CIW and Media programs Utrecht University



Factors that play a role in international PhD candidates’ social experiences with inclusion and integration in an international learning environment: A narrative inquiry in a Dutch research university (2024)Research in Comparative and International Education, 19(3), 281-300. Aladegbaiye, A. T., de Jong, M. D. T., Beldad, A. D., Peters, G. M. & Cruz-Martinez, R. R. matter! A Comparative Analysis of Image Use on Chinese and Western Municipal Websites (2024)In 2024 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, ProComm 2024 (pp. 59-66) (IEEE International Professional Communication Conference). IEEE. Li, Y., Karreman, J. & De Jong, M. Dutch homeowners willing to invest in sustainable heating systems?: Comparing intentions and determinants in four scenarios (2024)Energy research & social science, 111. Article 103484. de Jong, M. D. T., Pieterse, R. & Jansma, S. R. Communication in China: Studies on the User Experience of Technical Documentation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Gao, Z. communication under pressure: Perspectives of Dutch researchers and journalists on COVID-19 communication challenges (2024)Frontiers in Communication, 9. Article 1449243. de Jong, A., Dijkstra, A. M., MacLeod, M. A. J. & de Jong, M. D. T. Empathy Competence in a Professional Communication Program: Course Development, Evaluation, and Student Reflections (2024)IEEE transactions on professional communication, 67(4), 488-501. Fuller, M. M., De Jong, M. D. T. & Van Vuuren, H. A.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 1422
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede

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