Maya Daneva is Associate Professor in the Services and Cybersecurity group at the Computer Science School of the University of Twente, where she is responsible for industry-university research projects, for supervising PhD-researchers, and for teaching courses in the programs of Computer Science and of Business & Information Technology. She has been active for more than two decades in the areas of Requirements Engineering, Software and Systems Engineering, and Empirical Research Methods. Her most recent research covered the design and use of complex systems such as smart cities, cyber-physical systems, mobile apps, online multiplayer games, logistics systems, and enterprise systems. Her current research projects are concerned with the challenges in the areas of digital transformation, crowdsourcing-based software engineering, and the application of large-scale agile methods and DevOps in very large organizations. This also includes a strong focus on non-functional requirements, namely, security, accessibility and resilience. 

Maya has a strong international exposure, having spent two years of her career in Germany at the University of Saarbruecken and in the IDS Scheer, and 9 years as a business process analyst for SAP Enterprise Recourse Planning projects at TELUS Corporation, Canada’s second largest telecommunication company. Since 2013, Maya Daneva serves as the UT’s representative to ISERN, the International Empirical Software Engineering Research Network. 

She has published more than 130 articles on the topics of her expertise, six of which received international best paper awards (CBI'21, RE’14, ICSOFT’19, PROFES’09, RCIS’10 and RCIS’07). She is a member of the Editorial Board of Elsevier’s Information and Software Technology Journal, the Journal of Systems and Software, and Springer’s Empirical Software Engineering Journal (2015-2020). She was the program chair of the 2016 International Conference of Requirements Engineering – Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ).


  • Computer Science

    • Requirement Engineering
    • Quality Requirement
    • Contexts
    • Case Study
    • Enterprise Resource Planning
    • Evaluation
    • Design
    • Prioritization


Maya Daneva’s research agenda is focused on how IT solutions and services should be designed in a world going through digital transformation. Her current research seeks in-depth answers to research questions such as: What are the essential characteristics of the digitalization of IT services? In what way can service digitalization be achieved more cost-effectively and with predictable rate of success? How to leverage freely available implicit and explicit crowd-sourced user feedback for the evolution of digital technologies? What are the accessibility, security and resilience requirements of complex systems and how these systems’ architects know their architecture designs meet them? How to leverage large scale agile and DevOps processes to deliver the systems that society and organization deem essential in the era of digital transformation? To assure her research is industry-relevant, she works with companies and examines business sector specific challenges.

In her fifteen years at UT, she has extensively explored the development process aspects of complex systems, primarily through the lens of requirements engineering.  As an empirical researcher, she has worked extensively within both the private and public sectors for organizations such as Dutch Ministries, the Rotterdam Harbor, SAP Nederland, SAP Research Palo Alto, SAP Research Lab Montreal, Bell Canada, Telus Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services, CGI Nederland, Deloitte, Ordina, KPN, Bertelsmann, Telenor and DSM.  She has made substantial contributions to high-impact peer-reviewed journals, including the Elsevier’s Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Computer Standards and Interfaces, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software, Wiley’s Journal of Software Evolution, Springer’s Empirical Software Engineering Journal and Journal of Software Quality. 

Her research performance is summarized as:
• Authoring more than 130 international journals, conference and book chapters publications, and editing 3 special issues into different aspects of Requirements Engineering and Empirical Software Engineering in international refereed journals.
• Serving as an Editorial Board Member: Elsevier’s Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier’s Information & Software Technology and Springer’s Journal of Empirical Software Engineering. 
• Supervising 9 PhD projects and examining 11 PhD dissertations internationally.
• Work as an External Expert & Reviewer of project proposals submitted for funding with the Netherland’s Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), and, internationally, with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the national research funding agencies of Island and Ireland.
• Launch and establishment of the International Empirical Requirements Engineering community, about 70 scholars from the world, with the IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering, the annual meeting point, collocated with the annual IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering since 2011.


A Digitalization Phase Model for IT Consulting ServicesIn Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing. EDOC 2023 Workshops: IDAMS, iRESEARCH, MIDas4CS, SoEA4EE, EDOC Forum, Demonstrations Track and Doctoral Consortium, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 30–November 3, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 227-243). Springer. Bode, M., Daneva, M. & van Sinderen, M. J. Safety Hazard Analysis using STAMP, STPA & HAZOP: A DAM Case StudyIn Proceedings - 2023 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2023 (pp. 7-12). IEEE. Farooq, M., Inayat, I. & Daneva, M. of the 8th Workshop on Empirical RequirementsEngineering (EmpiRE 2023), 27-29. Gervasi, V., Marchetto, A. & Daneva, M.
Welcome to the 8th International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering (EmpiRE 2023)In 2023 IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), Article 10260781 (pp. 136-137). IEEE. Marchetto, A., Gervasi, V. & Daneva, M. Identifying the impact of user reviews on app updates, Article 107261. Liu, T., Wang, C., Huang, K., Liang, P., Zhang, B., Daneva, M. & van Sinderen, M. Quality Requirements Elaboration: A Proposal and EvaluationIn ICSOFT 2023: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (pp. 668-679). SCITEPRESS. Alsaqaf, W., Daneva, M. & Wieringa, R. J. 4.0 and healthcare: Context, applications, benefits and challenges, 195-248. Kotzias, K., Bukhsh, F. A., Arachchige, J. J., Daneva, M. & Abhishta, A. A tool for co-labeling and visual analysis of textual dataset, Article 102940. Wang, C., Jiang, J., Daneva, M. & van Sinderen, M. Description of Digital IT Consulting Services Using DITCOS-DN: Proposal and Evaluation of a Graphical EditorIn Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing. EDOC 2022 Workshops: IDAMS, SoEA4EE, TEAR, EDOC Forum, Demonstrations Track and Doctoral Consortium, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, October 4–7, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 113-128). Springer. Bode, M., Daneva, M. & van Sinderen, M. J. a Solution Proposal to Agile Quality Requirements Challenges in Large-scale ProjectsIn Agil-ISE 2023: 2nd International Workshop on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering (Agil-ISE 2023) (pp. 30-35). CEUR. Alsaqaf, W., Daneva, M. & Wieringa, R.

Research profiles

Maya Daneva teaches courses in the programs of Computer Science and Business & Information Technology (both bachelor's and master's). Her teaching is tightly coupled with her research. A characterizing feature of all her courses is the application of theories in real-word cases that are compact and teachable. These cases are from her own past experience as a SAP enterprise resource planning consultant in the telecom sector or from the contexts of the industry partners in her research projects. In each course, the choice of course topics, cases, and reading materials has been aligned with relevant industry trends.

Whenever possible and appropriate, Maya Daneva incorporates the results of her own research in her teaching. For example, her lectures on the Requirements Engineering Processes and Methods course have been informed by her own research on the skills and qualification that country-specific IT markets demand from requirements engineering specialists. Similarly, her Software Management course uses her empirical findings in the area of implementing large scale agile frameworks and DevOps in organizations.  And in her E-Commerce course, she integrates her own research on requirements engineering for start-ups and revenue-sharing modelling methods with the research of colleagues from the IEBIS group on digital business ecosystems, recommender systems and IT architectures for online systems. 

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

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