

Ex-Vivo Human-Sized Organ Machine Perfusion: A Systematic Review on the Added Value of Medical Imaging for Organ Condition Assessment (2024)Transplant international, 37. Article 12827. van der Hoek, J. L., Krommendijk, M. E., Manohar, S., Arens, J. & Groot Jebbink, E. Human-Sized Organ Machine Perfusion: A Systematic Review on the Added Value of Medical Imaging for Organ Condition Assessment (2024)Transplant international, 37. Article 12827. Van Der Hoek, J. L., Krommendijk, M. E., Manohar, S., Arens, J. & Groot Jebbink, E. color influences transcutaneous bilirubin measurements: a systematic in vitro evaluation (2024)Pediatric Research (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Dam-Vervloet, A. J., Morsink, C. F., Krommendijk, M. E., Nijholt, I. M., van Straaten, H. L. M., Poot, L. & Bosschaart, N.


Design and characterization of color printed polyurethane films as biomedical phantom layers (2023)Biomedical optics express, 14(9), 4485-4506. Morsink, C. F., Dam-Vervloet, A. J., Krommendijk, M. E., Kaya, M., Cuartas-Vélez, C., Knop, T., Francis, K. J. & Bosschaart, N.

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University of Twente

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