As information specialist for the faculty ITC, I support both students and staff with search and use of scientific information related to their study or research. Also, you may ask me to assist in the selection of journals for (Open Access) publishing or to help with software and tools for managing references and proper citation. Finally, I can contribute to collection management adjusted to the disciplines of the faculty and I can help with bibliometric analyses and visualisations of scientific impact.
Social Sciences
- Analysis
- Research Article
- Personnel
- Field Work
Computer Science
- Interdisciplinary Research
- Collection Management
- Field Research
- Web of Science
As an information specialist I have performed research on metrics for scientific impact. Other research was based upon article references to measure the usage of journals for evidence based collection management. I did visualisation studies to perform journal choice based upon co-citation analyses on (subject specific) article references. Based upon the same co-citation analyses I developed a metric for the identification of interdisciplinary research.
Other contributions
Veller, M.G.P. van (2013). Analysis of journal usage by Wageningen UR staff members via article references. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 2 (3): 231-244.
Veller, M.G.P. van & Spikman, G. (2010). Application of user statistics and additional data for collection management of Wageningen UR digital library. Actes du colloque "Ressources électroniques académiques: mesures & usages", L'information scientifique et technique dans l'univers numérique. Mesures et usages, Lille, France, 26-27 novembre 2009. Boukacem-Zeghmouri, C. (ed.). Paris: ADBS éditions, p. 269-279.
Veller, M.G.P. van & Gerritsma, W. (2010). Bibliometric analyses on repository contents as a library service for the evaluation of research. Actes du colloque "Ressources électroniques académiques: mesures & usages", L'information scientifique et technique dans l'univers numérique. Mesures et usages, Lille, France, 26-27 novembre 2009. Boukacem-Zeghmouri, C. (ed.). Paris: ADBS éditions, p. 179-189.
Veller, M.G.P. van, Gerritsma, W., van der Togt, P.L., Leon, C.D. & van Zeist, C.M. (2010) Bibliometric analyses on repository contents for the evaluation of research at Wageningen UR. Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries : Theory and Applications : Proceedings of the International Conference on QQML2009, 26-29 May 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece. Skiadas, C.H. & Katsirikou, A. (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, p. 19-26.
Research profiles
As information specialist I teach information skills together with my colleagues in the master study programmes Geo-information science and Earth Observation and Spatial Engineering of the faculty ITC. Also, we teach these skills for the joint master's Cartography and Geographic Information Management and Applications (GIMA). For PhD students of the University of Twente we teach several times per year the Scientific Information Bootcamp.

University of Twente
Langezijds (building no. 19), room 2214
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Langezijds 2214
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede