I am a human factors psychologist with a passion for understanding how people learn to perform complex tasks. I have a special interest in expertise development of health care professionals working with complex medical technology. In my work, I design support for task performance, training and education. I coordinate the technical-medical educational research in the Lab for Professional Learning in High Tech Healthcare which is affiliated with the Technical Medicine, Psychology and Educational Science education programs and is located at the TechMed Centre.

My research aims to make smart use of simulation and sensor technology to support high-stakes decisions about the competency of high-tech healthcare professionals. These high-stakes decisions require a careful and credible assessment process because of the impact of these decisions on an individual level: who can become a high-tech healthcare professional? Innovative sensor technology and statistical algorithms are used to better analyse the learning processes of these high-tech healthcare professionals and facilitate adaptive expertise development.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Skill
    • Evaluation Study
  • Computer Science

    • Evaluation
    • Simulation
    • Design
  • Social Sciences

    • Curriculum
    • Patients
    • Training




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University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 2340
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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