Current projects


Land Use Intensity's potential, vulnerability, and resilience for Sustainable agriculture in Africa

The project's mission is to enhance the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists in Africa amidst the challenges posed by rapid population growth and climate change.

LUISA will develop a cutting-edge satellite-driven decision-support platform. This platform empowers policymakers with more effective and reliable carbon monitoring capabilities across Africa, ultimately fostering sustainable agricultural practices.

Funding agency/programme: European Space Agency (ESA)


Next-Generation Agricultural Production Information for Enhanced Monitoring of Food Security in Mozambique

The main objective of this project is to produce and disseminate accurate agricultural production statistics data in a sufficiently timely manner that all market participants can use the information for decision making.

Funding agency/programme: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI


HEat Robustness In relation To AGEing cities

The HEat Robustness In relation To AGEing cities (HERITAGE) project aims to develop a high-tech sensing and design system aiming at detection, reduction and prevention (by monitoring and design) of heat-stress occurring due to ageing of built environmental settings and buildings in Dutch cities, through socio-technical solutions. This integral system will detect and forecast spatiotemporal patterns of heat stress at unprecedented resolutions (1m scale), aiming at technological solutions to reduce and mitigate indoor and outdoor heat stress through developing urban design guidelines and connecting the energy transition, housing demands, repurposing areas, climate adaptation and digitalisation.

Funding agency/programme: 4TU 


Ethiopian Education Network to Support Agricultural Transformation

is an innovative capacity development project to strengthen the use of geo-data for agriculture and water to enhance food security and socio-economic development in Ethiopia in line with the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) priorities at the participating Higher Education and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes.

Funding agency/programme: The Dutch Orgnisation for Internationalisation in Education (Nuffic)


Analysis of Skills, Training, Research and Innovation Opportunities in Space

ASTRAIOS project will identify the existing space-related education and training across Europe, project future demand for space skills from the European space industry, and identify actions to align and improve the career pathways into the sector.

Funding agency/programme: Horizon Europe

Finished projects


Innovations for land tenure

The its4land land administration toolbox delivers a suite of land tenure recording tools and consulting services which respond to the Sub-Saharan Africa needs to rapidly map millions of unrecognised land rights.

Funding agency/programme: Horizon 2020


Spurring a Transformation in Agriculture through Remote Sensing

STARS is a research project which is looking for ways to use remote sensing technology to improve agricultural practices in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the project hopes to significantly advance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Funding agency/programme: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)

Digital Earth Africa

Earth observations to deliver decision ready products for Africa

DE Africa will provide a routine, reliable and operational service, using Earth observations to deliver decision-ready products enabling policy makers, scientists, the private sector and civil society to address social, environmental and economic changes on the continent and develop an ecosystem for innovation across sectors. ITC will support the process of strengthening the capacities and capabilities of the DE Africa programme's regional partners towards implementation of the capacity development strategy.

Funding agency/programme: Digital Earth Africa

EO Africa R&D Facility

The overarching goal of the EO Africa Research and Development Facility is to foster an African-European R&D collaboration enabling an active research community and creative innovation processes for continuous development of EO capabilities in Africa.

Funding agency/programme: European Space Agency (ESA)


University of Twente

Langezijds (building no. 19), room 1107
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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