Hello, I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Neuromuscular Robotics Chair and working at the crossroads of AI and Sensing. My research focuses on wearable sensing and robotics for occupational tasks and hope to translate them to space research.  

My research background is in musculoskeletal modeling for real-time applications, sensor fusion for wearable biomechanics, and data-driven approaches for biomechanics. This helps me identify how we can explore novel methodologies for movement sensing in extreme environments by fusing model-based and data-driven approaches. 


  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Measurement
    • Error
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Foot
    • Gait
    • Exoskeleton
  • Engineering

    • Joints (Structural Components)
    • Mechanical Model
    • Models


I have built my research career around different themes within assistive biomechanics.  Currently, I am an Assistant Professor with Prof. Massimo Sartori within the Neuromuscular Robotics chair. My focus is towards fusing data-driven and model-based approaches for sensing and assisting movement in occupational tasks and extreme environments (Space for example). 

During my postdoctoral research, I worked with two EU Horizon projects SOPHIA (https://project-sophia.eu/) and SWAG (SWAG (swag-project.eu)). The SOPHIA project developed real-time personalized musculoskeletal models (also accounting for fatigue) to understand the impact of and provide assistance to back support exosuits. Within the SWAG project, we will extend the musculoskeletal models to capture biological joint stiffness during gait. 

During my Ph.D., I worked within a Dutch NWO project AMBITION with Dr. Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Prof. Peter Veltink, and Prof. Jaap Buurke to develop a reduced wearable IMU set to measure movement quality after stroke. The study advanced the state of the art in measuring movement post stroke, and also extended the capabilities of wearable technology for this aspect. 

I was formally trained as a Biomedical Engineer during my Bachelor's and as an Electrical Engineer during my Master's. 



Soft back exosuit controlled by neuro-mechanical modeling provides adaptive assistance while lifting unknown loads and reduces lumbosacral compression forces (2025)Wearable Technologies, 6. Article e9. Moya-Esteban, A., Refai, M. I., Sridar, S., van der Kooij, H. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.1017/wtc.2025.3Influence of varied assistance levels provided by a dual-joint active back-support exoskeleton on spinal musculoskeletal loading and kinematics during lifting (2025)Ergonomics (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Hu, F., Brouwer, N. P., Tabasi, A., Kingma, I., van Dijk, W., Refai, M. I., van der Kooij, H. & van Dieën, J. H.https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2025.2466030Assessing low-back loading during lifting using personalized electromyography-driven trunk models and NIOSH-based risk levels (2025)Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 13. Article 1486931. Refai, M. I., Varrecchia, T., Chini, G., Ranavolo, A. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2025.1486931Towards Wearable Electromyography for Personalized Musculoskeletal Trunk Models Using an Inverse Synergy-Based Approach (2025)IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. Rook, J. W. A., Sartori, M. & Refai, M. I.https://doi.org/10.1109/TMRB.2024.3503900CEINMS-RT: an open-source framework for the continuous neuro-mechanical model-based control of wearable robots (2025)[Working paper › Preprint]. TechRxiv. Sartori, M., Refai, M. I., Avanci Gaudio, L., Cop, C. P., Simonetti, D., Damonte, F., Hambly, M., Lloyd, D., Pizzolato, C. & Durandau, G. V.https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.173397962.28177284/v1


The effect of active exoskeleton support with different lumbar-to-hip support ratios on spinal musculoskeletal loading and lumbar kinematics during lifting (2024)Wearable Technologies. Article e25. Brouwer, N. P., Tabasi, A., Hu, F., Kingma, I., van Dijk, W., Refai, M. I., van der Kooij, H. & van Dieën, J. H.https://doi.org/10.1017/wtc.2024.7Towards Real-Time Decoding of Motor Unit Firing Events and Resulting Muscle Activation During Human Locomotion and High-Force Contractions (2024)In 2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, BioRob 2024 (pp. 1434-1439) (Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics). IEEE. Gogeascoechea, A., Mohamed Refai, M. I., Yavuz, U. S. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.1109/BioRob60516.2024.10719929Neuromuscular Modeling for Locomotion with Wearable Assistive Robots -- A primer (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. ArXiv.org. Refai, M. I., Wang, H., Gogeascoechea, A., Ornelas Kobayashi, R., Avanci Gaudio, L., Damonte, F., Durandau, G. V., van der Kooij, H., Yavuz, U. S. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.14289Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal models with time-varying fatigue dynamics improve lumbosacral joint moments during lifting (2024)Journal of biomechanics, 164. Article 111987. Mohamed Refai, M. I., Moya-Esteban, A. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.111987Benchmarking commercially available soft and rigid passive back exoskeletons for an industrial workplace (2024)Wearable Technologies, 5. Article e6. Mohamed Refai, M. I., Moya-Esteban, A., van Zijl, L., van der Kooij, H. & Sartori, M.https://doi.org/10.1017/wtc.2024.2

Research profiles

Master courses                                                                                     

  • Biomechatronics (Course 201200133): Taught lectures on electromyography processing, neuromusculoskeletal modelling, robotic control interfaces, sensor fusion (Kalman Filtering), inertial navigation, and its applications in literature. Created assignments that applied these concepts, graded students, and conducted exams on this topic. 
  • Technology for Health (Course 201500222): Served as Capita Selecta Lecturer, and expert/instructor for the topic ‘Ambulatory sensing’ and evaluated final grant proposals.
  • Research Experiments in Databases and Information Retrieval (Course 201300074): Served as project supervisor. Instructed students with applying machine learning models on inertial data to classify activities such as reaching, and evaluated their final report.

Bachelor courses                                                                                  

  • Meten is Weten (To Measure is to Know; Course 202000840): Taught the Programming module. Students learnt how to use python from scratch and use it in other aspects of the course.
  • De Bewegende Mens en Gezondheidsrecht (The Moving Human and Health Law; Course 202000825): Instructor for the Motion Capture practical. Setup laboratory and drafted manual for equipment such as Qualisys motion tracker, Force plates, Delsys EMG systems, and Biodex dynamometer for Bachelor students. Will be involved in evaluating experimental protocols, and final course reports.
  • Biorobotics (Course 201800178): Coached and assisted students with programming embedded sensors using C# and MicroPython during their robot building project. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Current projects


Soft Wearable Assistive Garments for Human Empowerment

The SWAG project is a multidisciplinary initiative in the field of soft robotics, focusing on the development of lower limb exosuits: soft wearable exoskeletal robots to empower the lower body and core. The project aims to replace traditional rigid materials found in exoskeletons, with high-strength, inflatable fabrics and sensing films to create smart, human-assistive, soft and lightweight garments. The envisioned exosuits will ensure user comfort and safety, while remaining virtually undetected, invisible under clothing due to their garment-like design. SWAG exosuits will empower humans in activities from occupational assistance to daily mobility, fitness and immersive entertainment. SWAG involves 13 partners from six EU countries and the UK, including leading academics, Research and Technology Organisations and two commercial partners.

Finished projects



Socio-Physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production

The H2020-ICT10 project SOPHIA – Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production – aims to create a new generation of core robotic technologies for socially cooperative human-robot systems. The objectives are to achieve a reconfigurable and resource-efficient production and improve human comfort and trust in automation, in hybrid human-plus-robot manufacturing environments. SOPHIA core intelligence will enable timely, natural, and human-in-command interactions between humans and robots on both social (e.g., geometric reasoning and situation assessment; knowledge models for human-robot mixed teams; natural and multi-modal dialogue; and human-aware task planning) and physical (e.g., sharing physical loads) levels, representing the new concept of socio-physical interaction. Additionally, the design and development of novel under-actuated wearable exoskeletons and collaborative robots with high payload and advanced loco-manipulation capacities are central to the mechatronics developments of the SOPHIA project. SOPHIA has a clear focus on standardization of its advanced technologies at a European level. It includes a large network of Digital Innovation Hubs for agile manufacturing (Trinity, DIH2, Flanders Make, DIH Umbria) and healthcare (DIHero) to ensure that its core technologies are “compliant by design” to standards in the field of human-robot interaction and collaboration.


University of Twente

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De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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