Miriam is co-founder and Manager at DesignLab of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Her broad (international) network, experience, knowledge and enthusiasm in setting-up experimental ecosystems has brought Miriam many other roles. Within the University of Twente she is part of the advisory committee for student teams, member of the steering committee for the (social) Entrepreneurial challenge, speaker and moderator at high-level international events/converstations. In addition, she is Founding Fellow & Coach for the Faculty Innovation Fellows at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Design at Stanford University and Mentor for the University Innovation Fellows program.

Sharing her experiences, she gives her network the opportunity to gain insights into investigating new ways of working, collaborating, teaching, learning and conducting research. In addition by using challenges from partners, she brings viewpoints from (international) scientists, entrepreneurs, students, citizens and government officials together to co-create the futures we want to live in.


Current projects

Founding Fellow & Coach Faculty Innovation Fellows program

at Hasso Plattner Institute for Design (d.school) at Stanford University

The Faculty Innovation Fellows Program is a two-year experience designed to help faculty and staff expand the innovation and entrepreneurship movement at their schools. Faculty Innovation Fellows work both in collaboration with their student University Innovation Fellows and on their own to design ways to improve their institutions. They connect with a community of like-minded educators from around the world to advance projects, gather feedback, and share what they learn.

Steering group University of Twente Challenge

Committee Student Teams Twente

Faculty champion University Innovation Fellows program

at Stanford d.school

Initiator and project lead of the University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program at the University of Twente. As a UIF faculty champion, Miriam is sponsor and mentor and actively participates in contributing to the success in the development process of the UIF movement at the University of Twente. Her role extends beyond setting long-term institutional goals and imbedding the programme within our institution. She assists and empowers the candidates and fellows in developing plans for achieving their individual goals as well as contributing to projects with internal and external partners to make impact and change in higher education. She provide insights into the realities and approaches needed to build momentum and contribute to our ecosystem of innovation and (social) entrepreneurship. Together with her colleagues at the Stanford D.school and at collaborating institutions, she builds on a network with the University Innovation Fellows around the world and at institution level. She advises, guides, and teaches fellow faculty champions, sponsors and mentors in their endeavour in making the UIF student movement a success at their institutions. The University of Twente was the first European University to join the University Innovation Fellows program.

Finished projects


University of Twente

Gallery (building no. 17), room DESIGNLAB
Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede

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