Maarten J. IJzerman is professor and head of Cancer Health Services Research in the University of Melbourne and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and a part-time professor in the University of Twente's TechMed Centre. HisĀ international work is focussed on the health economics and health services implications of personalised medicine, including drug treatment sequencing and the use of complex genomic sequencing. He develops and applies new methods for value assessment of medical technologies, in particular molecular diagnostics for precision oncology. He is a pioneer in the field of early Health Technology Assessment, supporting the clinical translation of medical innovation by modelling their health and economic impact in an early stage of development.Ā 

Before moving to Melbourne in 2018, he was the founding chair of theĀ Department of Health Technology and Services Research (2007-2015), director of education for Health Sciences program (2007-2011), acting director of the MIRA institute for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine (2013-2014) and vice-dean for Health & Biomedical Technology in the Faculty of Science and Technology (2015-2017). Before then, he worked as a visiting scholar in different academic centres in the USA and Canada and was the scientific director of Roessingh Research and Development (2000-2007).Ā 

Maarten has supervised many MSc and PhD students in several UT degree programs (TM, HS, BME and IEM) and is a mentorĀ to early-to-mid career academics globally.Ā 


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Patient
    • Therapeutic Procedure
    • Health Care Cost
    • Health
    • Analysis
    • Systematic Review
    • Breast Cancer
    • Malignant Neoplasm



Quantifying hospital-associated costs, and accompanying travel costs and productivity losses, before and after withdrawing TNF-Ī± inhibitors in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Florax, A. A., Doeleman, M. J. H., de Roock, S., van der Linden, N., Schatorjé, E., Currie, G., Marshall, D. A., IJzerman, M. J., Yeung, R. S. M., Benseler, S. M., Vastert, S. J., Wulffraat, N. M., Swart, J. F. & Kip, M. M. A. review of NTRK 1/2/3 fusion prevalence pan-cancer and across solid tumours, Article 4116. O’Haire, S., Franchini, F., Kang, Y. J., Steinberg, J., Canfell, K., Desai, J., Fox, S. & IJzerman, M. economic evidence for adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II and III colon cancer: a systematic review, Article 11. To, Y. H., Gibbs, P., Tie, J., IJzerman, M. & Degeling, K. biologics in non-systemic JIA: what matters to pediatric rheumatologists?, Article 69, 69. van Til, J. A., Kip, M. M. A., Schatorjé, E. J. H., Currie, G., Twilt, M., Benseler, S. M., Swart, J. F., Vastert, S. J., Wulffraat, N., Yeung, R. S. M., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, C. G. M. K., Warta, S., Marshall, D. A. & IJzerman, M. J. and validating a multi-criteria decision analytic tool to assess the value of cancer clinical trials: evaluating cancer clinical trial value, Article 87. Gillett, P., Mahar, R. K., Tran, N. R., Rosenthal, M. & IJzerman, M. neuro-oncology clinical trial impact and value: Testing a novel multi-criteria decision analysis app, 70-78. Field, K. M., Andrew Rosenthal, M., Gillett, P. & IJzerman, M.

Research profiles

I am committed to teaching in graduate programs in the University of Twente and Melbourne as well as international short-courses for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

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