
Human Centered Design – The process of developing and designing technology by studying and involving users throughout the design. This approach aims to create technology that meaningful, useful and easy to use.

eHealth en eMental health – applications that make use of information and communication technologies (often the internet) to support or improve (mental) health.

CeHRes Roadmap – an approach that combines human centered design and business modeling to develop and evaluate eHealth technology. By focusing on users and other stakeholders, a holistic approach is taken, and the values that drive the technology design and its implementation can be mapped.

Accessibility – Technology is not always accessible to everyone; persons with a disability (temporal or permanent) are often faced with technology that they cannot use because they cannot operate the device or perceive its output. By applying design for all or accessibility principles throughout the design – which of course is focused around the user- accessibility can be improved.


Besides postdoc researcher at the UT, I am a teacher/researcher at Saxion University of applied sciences in the regular Nursing as well as the Health&Technology nursing track.


  • Computer Science

    • User
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Telehealth
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • Self Care
    • Nurse
    • Patient
  • Psychology

    • Health
    • Research



Tailoring eHealth design to support the self-care needs of patients with cardiovascular diseases: a vignette survey experimentBehaviour and Information Technology, 41(14), 3065-3086. Cruz-Martínez, R. R., Wentzel, J., Sanderman, R. & van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. and User Evaluation of an eHealth Technology Supporting Patients with Cardiovascular Disease in Managing their Health after a Cardiac Event: Mixed Methods Study (Preprint)JMIR Cardio (Submitted). Bente, B. E., Wentzel, J., Schepers, C., Breeman, L. D., Janssen, V. R., Pieterse, M. E., Evers, A. W. & Gemert-Pijnen, L. v. Persuasive System Design Principles and Behavior Change Techniques in Digital Interventions Supporting Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance: Design and Development of eCHANGEJMIR human factors, 9(2), Article e37372. Asbjornsen, R. A., Hjelmesæth, J., Smedsrød, M. L., Wentzel, J., Ollivier, M., Clark, M. M., van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C. & Solberg Nes, L. for Better Targeted eHealth Technologies: User-Centered Design ApproachJournal of medical internet research, 9(1), Article e24172, 1-13. Klooster, I. t., Wentzel, J., Sieverink, F., Linssen, G., Wesselink, R. & Gemert-Pijnen, L. v. Features for Long Term Weight Loss Maintenance: User Experiences and Preferences from the eCHANGE Pilot Trial. Asbjornsen, R. A., Ollivier, M., Smedsrød, M. L., Hjelmesæth, J., Wentzel, J., Clark, M. M., van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C. & Solberg Nes, L.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

As a postdoc researcher I am involved in the Benefit project. The goal of this project is to make healthy living fun by making healthy choices more appealing and reward healthy lifestyles. At first, the program targets patients recovering from heart attacks/cardiac disease, but takes a broad scope once the program has landed in this first setting. The University of Twente cooperates in the Benefit project as a research partner, alongside a.o. the University of Leiden and LUMC. We evaluate the online platform that is being used to motivate and stimulate people to live healthy. We focus on its persuasiveness: how does technology contribute to good self-management and for example healthy eating and revalidation exercise. User-centered research methods as well as log data analysis are involved in these studies.

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