I started studying Technical Medicine at the University of Twente in 2012 and finished my masterā€™s degree in 2020, in the track ā€œMedical Sensing and Stimulationā€. During my graduation project at the department of Neurology at Rijnstate Hospital, I evaluated the additional value of structural MRI measures, in addition to the EEG, to predict neurological outcome of comatose patients after cardiac arrest. After receiving my masterā€™s degree Technical Medicine, I started working as a PhD student in the Clinical Neurophysiology department and Rijnstate Hospital.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Heart Arrest
    • Patient
    • Prognosis
  • Psychology

    • Cognitive Functioning
    • Systematic Literature Review
    • Cognitive Impairment
  • Neuroscience

    • Cognitive Disorders
    • Fractional Anisotropy


During my PhD, I am working on the BROCA-prediction study. With this study we aim to identify predictors for long-term cognitive disturbances after cardiac arrest based on early multidisciplinary screening, EEG, and brain MRI.


Prognosis After Cardiac Arrest: The Additional Value of DWI and FLAIR to EEG, 302-313. Keijzer, H. M., Verhulst, M. M. L. H., Meijer, F. J. A., Tonino, B. A. R., Bosch, F. H., Klijn, C. J. M., Hoedemaekers, C. W. E. & Hofmeijer, J.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12028-022-01498-z

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University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 3384
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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