My research focuses on natural hazard modeling, particularly landslides and wildfires.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Landslide
    • Model
    • Datum
    • Italy
    • Prediction
    • Modeling
    • Time
    • Area




Functional regression for space-time prediction of precipitation-induced shallow landslides in South Tyrol, Italy (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Earth ArXiv. Moreno, M., Lombardo, L., Steger, S., de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Crespi, A., Marra, F., van Westen, C. & Opitz, T. benchmark dataset and workflow for landslide susceptibility zonation (2024)Earth-science reviews, 258. Article 104927. Alvioli, M., Loche, M., Jacobs, L., Grohmann, C. H., Abraham, M. T., Gupta, K., Satyam, N., Scaringi, G., Bornaetxea, T., Rossi, M., Marchesini, I., Lombardo, L., Moreno, M., Steger, S., Camera, C. A. S., Bajni, G., Samodra, G., Wahyudi, E. E., Susyanto, N., … Rivera-Rivera, J. the margin of stability for space–time landslide prediction – A data-driven approach for generating spatial dynamic thresholds (2024)Geoscience Frontiers, 15(5). Article 101822. Steger, S., Moreno, M., Crespi, A., Luigi Gariano, S., Brunetti, M. T., Melillo, M., Peruccacci, S., Marra, F., de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Rutzinger, M., Mair, V. & Pittore, M. transferability of the physically based model TRIGRS using parameter ensembles (2024)Earth surface processes and landforms, 49(4), 1330-1347. de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Schneider‐Muntau, B., Moreno, M., Steger, S. & Rutzinger, M. of beta regression for the prediction of landslide areal density in South Tyrol, Italy  (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2024. Moreno, M., Opitz, T., Steger, S., Westen, C. v. & Lombardo, L. climate change projections into operational debris flow hazard mapping: Initial insights from the Toverino River Basin in South Tyrol (Eastern Italian Alps). (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2024. Bozzoli, L., Crespi, A., Steger, S. & Moreno, M. of a data-driven space-time model to predict precipitation-induced geomorphic impact events at the Alpine Scale (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2024. Spiekermann, R., Lehner, S., Steger, S., Moreno, M., Enigl, K., Imgrüth, D., Schlögl, M. & Pistotnik, G. data-driven modeling of precipitation-induced shallow landslides in South Tyrol, Italy (2024)Science of the total environment, 912(169166), 1-17. Article 169166. Moreno, M., Lombardo, L., Crespi, A., Zellner, P. J., Mair, V., Pittore, M., van Westen, C. J. & Steger, S.


Towards multi-hazard, border-independent exposure analysis for operational climate and disaster risk preparedness applications (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] SISC 11th Annual Conference 2023. Campalani, P., Renner, K., Crespi, A., Steger, S., Moreno, M. & Pittore, M.Developing a spatiotemporal model to integrate landslide susceptibility and critical rainfall conditions. A practical model applied to Rio de Janeiro municipality (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 6th World Landslide Forum, WLF 2023. Lima, P., Moreno, M., Steger, S., Camarinha, P., Teixeira, C. L., Mandarino, F. & Glade, T.

Research profiles

PROSLIDE: Integration of static and dynamic landslide controls at multiple-scales using data-driven and physically-based methods – exploring new opportunities for the PRediction of shall Ow land SLIDEs

The overarching aim of PROSLIDE is to exploit the potential of innovative input data, available ground truth data and novel modelling designs (i.e. data-driven and physically-based) at different scales to improve the predictability of where and when landslides will occur. 

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