Mila Koeva is an Associate Professor at the University Twente, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation ITC, The Netherlands. She has a PhD on “3D modelling in architectural photogrammetry” from the University of Architecture, Civil engineering, and Geodesy in Sofia. She also holds an MSc. degree in Engineering (Geodesy) from the same institution.  Her main areas of expertise include 3D land Information, including Digital Twins and 3D Cadastre, image data acquisition and processing techniques (satellite, aerial, and UAVs), and automatic feature extraction for cadastral mapping and urban planning, among others. More specific, her research focuses is on the implementation of innovative geospatial and machine learning methods based on remotely sensed data in support of 3D urban modelling and cadastral applications. Her career includes ten years of working as a photogrammetric specialist and head of the photogrammetry department ( with the main aim of producing accurate cadastral and topographic maps and three years of work in a private organization ( leading three EU projects related with geodetic, cadastral and photogrammetric activities.

She was a Project Coordinator/Leader of its4land, a multidisciplinary European Commission Horizon 2020 project, involving 8 academic and private-sector partners and 6 countries in Europe and Africa. Due to her scientific activities, she is selected to have an active part in international professional organizations chairing working groups and organizing scientific events e.g. co-chair ISPRS WG IV/10, co-chair of 3D GeoInfo 2018, ISPRS GSW 2019, FIG WW 2021, etc. She is regularly being invited to give invited talks or to be the keynote speaker on international events e.g. 3D GeoInfo 2021, UASG2021, GATE Big Data, FIG Cmmision7, GLTN 2020, GI Forum (WWU)2020,  etc. She is serving as guest editor for several special issues 3D Land Administration in LUP, MDPI RS4LA1, MDPI RS4LA2. She serves as Reviewer Board Member of ISPRS IJGI, MDPI Geomatics, Frontier Remote Sensing. A full list of scientific publications can be found on: Google Scholar and UT-site. Besides research international project activities, she is involved in education, including lecturing, course development, and supervision of MSc and Ph.D. students. In March 2017 she was ranked as one of the TOP 3 teachers of ITC 2016 - 2017.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Land
    • Datum
    • Cadastral
    • Boundary
    • Pilotless Aircraft
    • Investigation
    • Management
    • Model


Mila Koeva is an Associate Professor in “3D city digital twins based on geospatial technologies for improved land management and urban planning” at the University Twente, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation ITC, The Netherlands. She has a PhD on “3D modelling in architectural photogrammetry” from the University of Architecture, Civil engineering, and Geodesy in Sofia. She also holds an MSc. degree in Engineering (Geodesy) from the same institution.  

Her expertise includes geospatial and remote sensing data processing and fusion using innovative methods and user engagement.  She is working on 3D modelling and Digital Twins in support of resource management and decision-making for cadastral and urban planning applications, among others.

Her career includes ten years of working as a photogrammetric specialist and head of the photogrammetry department ( with the main aim of producing accurate cadastral and topographic maps and three years of work in a private organization ( leading three EU projects related with geodetic, cadastral and photogrammetric activities.

Currently, she is leading Digital Twin Geohub in UT and is part of several European projects.  She was a Project Coordinator/Leader of its4land, a multidisciplinary European Commission Horizon 2020 project involving 8 academic and private-sector partners and 6 countries in Europe and Africa. Due to her scientific activities, she has been selected to have an active part in international professional organizations, chairing working groups and organizing scientific events, e.g. chairing ISPRS WG IV/9 on Digital Twins, FIG WT 7 on AI4LA, etc. She is regularly invited to give invited talks or to be the keynote speaker at international events, e.g. Gi4DM and Urban Geoinformatics 2022,  3D GeoInfo 2021, UASG2021, GATE Big Data, FIG Cmmision7, GLTN 2020, GI Forum (WWU) 2020,  etc. She is serving as guest editor for several special issues, The Photogrammetric Records, 3D Land Administration in LUP, MDPI RS4LA1, MDPI RS4LA2, MDPI RS43DLA, and MDPI Digital Twins. She serves as a Reviewer Board Member of ISPRS IJGI, MDPI Geomatics, and Frontier Remote Sensing. A full list of scientific publications can be found on Google Scholar and UT-site. Besides research international project activities, she is involved in education, including lecturing, course development, and supervision of MSc and Ph.D. students. In March 2017, she was ranked as one of the TOP 3 teachers of ITC 2016 - 2017; in 2016, her student obtained 3rd place in the Copernicus Masters Competition; in 2021, her student was awarded the Best 3D GeoInfo paper,  and in 2023, her student received the second-best MSc thesis award in The Netherlands. 


Analysis of Potential Disruptions From Earthquakes in Istanbul and 3D Model Based Risk Communication, 60-89. de Vries, J., Atun, F. & Koeva, M. N. Polygons of Visible Cadastral Boundaries Using Deep LearningIn IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Article 10282644 (pp. 915-918). IEEE. Tareke, B., Koeva, M. & Persello, C. A data set for crop field delineation in Southeast Asian smallholder farms, Article 2505705, 1-5. Persello, C., Grift, J., Fan, X., Paris, C., Hänsch, R., Koeva, M. & Nelson, A., challenges and applications of city digital twins in the context of the SDGs.: Digital twins for a sustainable world, 26-29. Koeva, M. N., Cardenas Leon, I. L. & Morales Ortega, L. R. Structure Extraction from Aerial Images and nDSM using Deep Learning. Kenzhebay, M., Zhao, W., Koeva, M. N. & Persello, C. Automatic Feature Extraction for Fit-for-Purpose Cadastral Updating: Cases from Peri-Urban Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Article 4155. Metaferia, M. T., Bennett, R. M., Alemie, B. K. & Koeva, M.

Research profiles

From the University of Twente she holds a university teaching qualification (UTQ) and has diverse teaching background in small and large groups. Current teaching activities cover areas of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 3D Cadastre, GNSS, cadastral rejuvination, 3D modelling, BIM and Smart Cities. She supervised more than 15 MSc students of their master research and is regularly invited for external examiner.

She was voted as one of the TOP 3 teachers in ITC for 2016-2017.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Project Coordinator of its4land, a multidisciplinary European Commision Horizon 2020 project, involving 8 academic and private-sector partners and 6 countries in Europe and Africa -

The main goal of its4land, an European Commission Horizon 2020 project is to develop innovative tools inspired by the continuum of land rights, fit-for-purpose land administration, and cadastral intelligence. its4land is using strategic collaboration between the EU and East Africa to deliver innovative, scalable, and transferrable ICT solutions. The innovation process incorporates a broad range of stakeholders and emergent geospatial technologies, including smart sketchmaps, UAVs, automated feature extraction, as well as geocloud services. The aim is to combine innovative technologies, capture the specific needs, market opportunities and readiness of end-users in the domain of land tenure information recording in Eastern Africa. The project consists of a four year work plan, €3.9M funding, and eight consortium partners collaborating with stakeholders from six case study locations in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Rwanda. The major tasks include tool development, prototyping, and demonstration for local, national, regional, and international interest groups. The case locations cover different land uses such as: urban, peri-urban, rural smallholder, and (former) pastoralist.


University of Twente

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Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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