Michel de Jong (1970) obtained his PhD degree from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2000, held positions as postdoctoral fellow and Assistant Professor at Linköping University (2000-2007), and joined the group NanoElectronics at MESA+ in September 2007 as Assistant Professor of Spintronics. He has a multidisciplinary background in surface science, organic electronics and spintronics. In 2008 he was awarded the NWO VIDI grant in the domain of Technical Sciences, and he received the ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) in 2011. He currently has over 60 publications in print.

Associate Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands
NanoElectronics Group
2013 – present

Assistant Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands
NanoElectronics Group
2007 – 2013

Assistant Professor, Linköping University, Sweden
Surface Physics and Chemistry Group (W.R. Salaneck, M. Fahlman)
2002 – 2007

Post-doc, Linköping University, Sweden
Surface Physics and Chemistry Group (W.R. Salaneck, M. Fahlman)
2000 – 2002

PhD, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thesis advisor: M.J.A. de Voigt
1996 – 2000

MSc Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
MSc thesis supervisor: M.J.A. de Voigt
1992 – 1996



Present and past research directions include (organic) semiconductor spintronics, hybrid inorganic/organic materials systems for electronics and spintronics, electronic and magnetic properties of hybrid interfaces, strongly correlated electron systems, low-dimensional electron systems, organic based magnets, magnetotransport measurements, and electron spectroscopic techniques (e.g. synchrotron based).


  • Electromagnetic Field Theory (191211290), BSc Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering of Complex Systems 2 (), BSc Advanced Technology
  • OTNW (191403001), BSc TNW
  • NanoElectronics (193400141), MSc NanoTechnology
  • Guest Lecturer “Materials Science” (191210740), MSc Electrical Engineering
  • Guest Lecturer “Technology” (191210730), MSc Electrical Engineering


  • Chemistry

    • Liquid Film
  • Material Science

    • Monolayers
    • Surface
    • Thin Films
    • Temperature
    • Doping (Additives)
  • Physics

    • Spin
    • Spintronics




brains-py, A framework to support research on energy-efficient unconventional hardware for machine learning (2023)Journal of open source software, 8(90), 1-6. Article 5573. Alegre Ibarra, U., Ruiz Euler, H.-C., Mollah, H. A., Petrov, B. P., Sastry, S. S., Boon, M. N., de Jong, M. P., Zolfagharinejad, M., Uitzetter, F. M. J., van de Ven, B., Sousa de Almeida, A. J., Kinge, S. & van der Wiel, W. G., A framework to support research on energy-efficient unconventional hardware for machine learning (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Alegre-Ibarra, U., Ruiz Euler, H.-C., Mollah, H., Petrov, B., Sastry, S. S., Boon, M., de Jong, M., Zolfagharinejad, M., Uitzetter, F., van de Ven, B., Sousa de Almeida, A., Kinge, S. & van der Wiel, W. (Al)BCN materials synthesized by sequential precursor pulses to mimic atomic layer deposition (2023)AIP advances, 13(2). Article 025237. Apaydin, R. O., Aarnink, A. A. I., Gravesteijn, D. J., De Jong, M. P. & Kovalgin, A. Y.


Exciton Dynamics in MoS2-Pentacene and WSe2-Pentacene Heterojunctions (2022)ACS nano, 16(10), 16668-16676. Markeev, P. A., Najafidehaghani, E., Samu, G. F., Sarosi, K., Kalkan, S. B., Gan, Z., George, A., Reisner, V., Mogyorosi, K., Chikan, V., Nickel, B., Turchanin, A. & de Jong, M. P. in epitaxial growth of stanene (2022)Open physics, 20(1), 208-223. Ochapski, M. W. & De Jong, M. P.


Data underlying the publication: Energy-Level Alignment at Interfaces between Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and Metal Electrodes Studied with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (2021)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Markeev, P., Najafidehaghani, E., Gan, Z., Sotthewes, K., George, A., Turchanin, A. & de Jong, M. P. intercalation into multilayer graphene with controlled defect densities (2021)Carbon trends, 4. Article 100045. Ochapski, M. W., Ataç, D., Sanderink, J. G. M., Kovalgin, A. Y. & de Jong, M. P. Alignment at Interfaces between Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and Metal Electrodes Studied with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (2021)The Journal of physical chemistry C, 125(24), 13551-13559. Markeev, P. A., Najafidehaghani, E., Gan, Z., Sotthewes, K., George, A., Turchanin, A. & de Jong, M. P.


Group IV elements in 2D structures (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ochapski, M. W. scale structures in chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene on Ni thin films (2020)Thin solid films, 709. Article 138225. Ataç, D., Sanderink, J. G. M., Kinge, S., Gravesteijn, D. J., Kovalgin, A. Y. & de Jong, M. P.

Research profiles

Information about student assignments is available on the website of the NE-department.

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


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