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Ringo Ossewaarde is Head of the Department of Public Administration and an Associate Professor in Governance, Society and Technology in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences at the University of Twente. He took his undergraduate and master degrees at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and he took his PhD at the LSE. He coordinates and teaches in the BSc Management, Society & Technology and the MSc Public Administration and MSc European Studies programs. His research is concerned with the intermingling between political-administrative constellations, society and technology. He focusses on relationships between societal and technological transformations, contemporary societal and technological challenges, and political-administrative changes in various policy areas.
In recent years, Ringo Ossewaarde has developed expertise in the area of public administration in transforming technological contexts. These include:
The politics of artificial intelligence The European Green Deal The governance of digital transformation Algorithmic governance Resilience to climate change Global governance Administrative reforms Protest movements Organisations In recent years, Ringo Ossewaarde has developed expertise in the area of public administration in transforming technological contexts. These include:
The politics of artificial intelligence The European Green Deal The governance of digital transformation Algorithmic governance Resilience to climate change Global governance Administrative reforms Protest movements Publications Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
De Tocqueville, Alexis (2023) In Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology (pp. 127-130). Edward Elgar. Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781803921235.00038 AI in het publieke domein: De democratische verantwoordelijkheid van bestuur (2023) [Non-textual form › Performance] Informatiesessie over AI in het publieke domain met de Provinciale Staten Overijssel 2023 . Ossewaarde, R. The final assault on nature: how the environmental crisis reinforces the civilizational crisis in Colombia (2023) AlterNative, 19 (3), 521-532. Ossewaarde, R. & Steinhorst, S.https://doi.org/10.1177/11771801231177868 Kafkaësk Algoritmisch Bestuur: Het Toeslagenschandaal en de Rol van Irrationaliteit in de Gemechaniseerde Fraudejacht (2023) Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit, 13 (1), 69-76. Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.5553/TCC/221195072023013001005 Wat er Gebeurt als AI Wordt Gescheiden van Democratie: Het Risico van Kafkaësk Algoritmisch Bestuur (2023) Idee: tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van D66, 2023 (221), 51-55. Article 221. Ossewaarde, R. Climate Change and Heroism (2023) In Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies . Springer. Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17125-3_68-1 De Tragiek van Maatschappelijke Teloorgang en Collectieve Teleurstelling in een Wereld van Kunstmatige Intelligentie (2023) Sophie, 13 (2). Ossewaarde, R. https://sophieonline.nl/onbeschikbaarheid/ "I am telling you this for I have seen it": The Sayfo diasporic politics of memory and the genocide recognition struggle of the Aramean, Assyrian, and Chaldean migrant communities in Western Europe (2022) [Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mutlu-Numansen, S. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036554312 The making of AI society: AI futures frames in German political and media discourses (2022) AI & society, 37 (1), 249-263. Köstler , L. & Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-021-01161-9 Algoritmes als de Culturele Iconen van het Openbaar Bestuur (2022) Radix, 48 (2), 96-106. Ossewaarde, R. Uncovering the Political and Moral Dimensions of Technology: A Dialectic Between Classicism and Phenomenology (2021) Human studies, 44 (3), 491-496. Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10746-021-09599-y Smart Fishery: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda for Sustainable Fisheries in the Age of AI (2021) Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (11). Article 6037. Honarmand Ebrahimi, S., Ossewaarde, R. & Need, A.https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116037 Review article: Towards a context-driven research: a state-of-the-art review of resilience research on climate change (2021) Natural hazards and earth systems sciences discussions, 21 (3), 1119–1133. Ossewaarde, R. , Filatova, T., Georgiadou, Y., Hartmann, A., Özerol, G., Pfeffer, K., Stegmaier, P., Torenvlied, R., van der Voort, M., Warmink, J. & Borsje, B.https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-21-1119-2021 Corruption in Public Discourses: A Comparison Between Colombian and European Metaphors (2021) Public Integrity, 23 (4), 401-425. Isaza, C. & Ossewaarde, R. https://doi.org/10.1080/10999922.2021.1881299 “I Should Get Married as Soon as Possible, but the Relationships I Start Do Not Work”: Marital Prospects of Ethiopian Female Return Migrants from the Arabian Gulf (2021) Journal of family issues, 42 (2), 231-252. Nisrane, B. L., Ossewaarde, R. M. R. R. & Need, A.https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X20948919 Het katholieke postliberalisme en de culturele crises van het technologisch tijdperk (2021) In Het radicale midden overzee: Verkenningen van het postliberalisme: Translated title of the contribution: The radical center overseas: Explorations of postliberalism (pp. 43-64) (Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap; Vol. 109). Eburon Academic Publishers. Ossewaarde, R. De coronacrisis en goed burgerschap: een culturele diagnose (2020) Groen, 4 (4), 57-61. Ossewaarde, R. & Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R.The EU's Green Deal: A Third Alternative to Green Growth and Degrowth? (2020) Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (23), 1-15. Article 9825. Ossewaarde, M. & Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R.https://doi.org/10.3390/su12239825 The West European Politics of AI: Implications for Central and Eastern Europe (2020) [Contribution to conference › Paper] NIG Conference 2020 . Ossewaarde, R. M. R. R. National Varieties of Artificial Intelligence Discourses: Myth, Utopianism, and Solutionism in West European Policy Expectations (2020) Computer (New York), 53 (11), 53-61. Ossewaarde, M. & Gülenç, E.https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2020.2992290 The ideological justifications of the Smart City of Hamburg (2020) Cities, 105 . Article 102811. Bär, L., Ossewaarde, M. & van Gerven, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102811 Toekomst van de Bestuurskunde in een Ongekende High Tech Samenleving (2020) Bestuurskundige berichten, Vol. 35 (no. 2), 2-4. Torenvlied, R. & Ossewaarde, R. M. R. R. https://www.bilboard.nl/_media/1368926/724ea4287e244397a89078318f6b6c0c Research profiles Ringo Ossewaarde teaches in the BSc Management, Society & Technology, MSc Public Administration and MSc European Studies programs. He teaches the following courses:
- Introduction to Society and Technology
- Societal Transformation in the Technological Age
- European Governance of Society and Technology
- Knowledge and Power
- Public Governance and Legitimacy
Affiliated study programs Courses academic year 2024/2025 Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024 Ringo Ossewaarde's current projects include:
- The politics of artificial intelligence
- Algorithmic governance and smart cities
- The EU Green Deal and the governance of sustainability