Maarten Renkema is Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (NL) in the field of Human Resource Management & Innovation. He completed his two Master degrees: in Business Administration (University of Twente, 2014); and in Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (Technische Universität Berlin, 2014). He obtained his doctoral degree in 2018 (cum laude) for his dissertation: "Innovating HRM for Employee-Driven Innovation: A Multilevel Perspective".
His research focuses on the intersection between HRM, technology and innovation, approached from a multilevel perspective. Particularly he is interested in combining two main areas, (1) employee-driven innovation and (2) innovative and high-tech HRM activities. The first area is focused on how organizations can stimulate and facilitate bottom-up innovation by work-floor employees. The second area entails studying in what ways new technologies (e.g. Artificial Intelligence) and novel management practices (e.g. self-management) have an impact on both HRM and Innovation practices.
Research of Maarten has been published in peer-reviewed international journals such as Human Resource Management Review, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Creativity & Innovation Management, Personnel Review, Journal of Nursing Management and Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. Furthermore, he was involved in organizing and participating several international workshops about multilevel HRM & Innovation.
Next to that, Maarten is involved in teaching, coordination and supervision of students in International Business Administration (bachelor), Health Sciences (bachelor, and Business Administration (Master).
He is co-chair of the Programme Committee of Health Sciences and of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board. Furthermore, Maarten is treasurer of the UTK-Futsal.
Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Contexts
- Human Resource Management
- Design
- Resources
- Job
- Autonomy
- Research
Research profiles
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202200255 - HR, Organisatie & Innovatie
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
- 202300307 - IT Project in Context
- 202400101 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202400141 - Project: Healthy Organizations
- 202400144 - Change Processes and Management
- 202400182 - Consultants in de Zorg
- 202400202 - BSc Thesis HS
- 202400680 - High Tech Talent Man. in Global Context
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 202000576 - Research Proposal Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202000875 - M11-M12 BSc Thesis GZW
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
- 202300268 - M4 Operational Excellence in Healthcare
- 202300271 - M8 Consultants in Healthcare
- 202300295 - M3 Research and Innovation in Healthcare
- 202300307 - IT Project in Context
Maarten is currently working on three main projects.
1. The SAMKIN project, which is focused on exploring the experiences (knowledge) workers have in collaborating with AI in their daily work practices. The project is financed by Instituut Gak.
2. The Marie Jahoda Fellowship sponsored by Digit, which is focused on the influence of AI technologies for the future role of Human Resources (HR) professionals.
3. AI literacy project. The most recent project in which the objective is to study in what ways AI literacy of (future) HR/managers can be enhanced.

University of Twente
Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 2345
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Ravelijn 2345
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede