A civil engineer with a master's degree in Water and Sustainable Development, specialising in Water Risks, Climate and Hazards in the coastal area from IHE Delft, and a hydraulic master's degree from the National University of Engineering in Peru. Experience in fieldwork, modelling, design and data post-processing, using programming techniques such as Python and Matlab, and geospatial data analyst work with QGIS/ArcGIS tools in flood studies in different types of rivers, debris flow and coastal areas.
EngD Position on the flushing of trapped saltwater from bathymetric depressions in a semi-closed estuary by freshwater river discharge
The project investigates the interaction between saltwater trapped in bathymetric depressions and freshwater in the Haringvliet estuary, the Netherlands (as an application case). This estuary, closed by locks since 1970, has become a source of freshwater; however, limited saltwater entry has been allowed since 2018 to improve the ecosystem. However, this saltwater tends to be stored in bathymetric depressions and thus cannot be mixed inefficiently with freshwater, affecting water intake in specific situations

University of Twente
Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Z236
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
University of Twente
Horst Complex Z236
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede