
dr. M. Catarino Ribeiro (Marcelo)

Guest Researcher


Medicine & Life Sciences
Cardiac Myocytes
Pluripotent Stem Cells
Engineering & Materials Science
Stem Cells


Cofiño-Fabres, C., Boonen, T., Rivera-Arbeláez, J. M., Rijpkema, M., Blauw, L., Rensen, P. C. N. , Schwach, V. , Ribeiro, M. C. , & Passier, R. (2024). Micro-Engineered Heart Tissues On-Chip with Heterotypic Cell Composition Display Self-Organization and Improved Cardiac Function. Advanced healthcare materials, Article 2303664. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202303664
Schwach, V. , Slaats, R. H., Cofiño-Fabres, C., ten Den, S. A., Rivera-Arbeláez, J. M., Dannenberg, M., van Boheemen, C. , Ribeiro, M., van der Zanden, S. Y., Nollet, E. E., van der Velden, J., Neefjes, J. , Cao, L. , & Passier, R. (2024). A safety screening platform for individualized cardiotoxicity assessment. iScience, 27(3), Article 109139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.109139
Rivera Arbeláez, J. M. (2023). Following the dots: Versatile and modular approach for engineering and analyzing three-dimensional cardiac tissues. [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036555272
Rivera Arbelaez, J. M., Kutucu, C., Snippert, D., Dannenberg, M., Cofino Fabres, C. , van den Berg, A. , Ribeiro, M. , Passier, R. , & Segerink, L. (2022). Effect of continuous electrical stimulation on engineered 3D cardiac tissues using hPSCs in a versatile platform. Abstract from NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference 2022, Montreux, Switzerland.
Ribeiro, M. C., Rivera-Arbelaez, J. M., Cofino-Fabres, C. , Schwach, V. , Slaats, R. H., ten Den, S. A., Vermeul, K. , van den Berg, A., Perez-Pomares, J. M. , Segerink, L. I., Guadix, J. A. , & Passier, R. (2022). A New Versatile Platform for Assessment of Improved Cardiac Performance in Human-Engineered Heart Tissues. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(2), Article 214. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm12020214
Schwach, V. , Slaats, R. H., Cofino Fabres, C., ten Den, S. A., Rivera Arbelaez, J. M. , Ribeiro, M., Cao, L. , & Passier, R. (2021). Modeling cardiotoxicity utilizing human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes: towards protective therapy for the heart. Poster session presented at EUROoCS Annual conference 2021, Uppsala, Sweden.
Cofino Fabres, C., Snabel, R., Rivera Arbelaez, J. M., Boonen, T. M. P. M. , Ribeiro, M. , Schwach, V., Veenstra, G. J. , & Passier, R. (2021). Benchmarking the developmental stage of hPSCCMs upon stimulated maturation using a platform for 3D engineered heart tissues. Poster session presented at EUROoCS Annual conference 2021, Uppsala, Sweden.
Rivera Arbelaez, J. M. , Ribeiro, M., Cofino Fabres, C. , Schwach, V., Stein, J. M. , Mummery, C. L. , van den Berg, A. , Segerink, L. , & Passier, R. (2021). Engineering 3D vascularized heart tissues using hPSC derived cardiac cells. Poster session presented at 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences 2021.
Rivera Arbelaez, J. M., Cofino Fabres, C., Boonen, T. M. P. M. , Schwach, V. , van den Berg, A. , Segerink, L. , Ribeiro, M. , & Passier, R. (2021). A versatile platform that allows mechanical and electrical stimulation to improve maturation of hPSC-derived 3D engineered heart tissues. Poster session presented at NanoBioTech-Montreux 2021, Montreux, Switzerland.

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Faculty of Science and Technology
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The Netherlands