EEMCS-EE-BSS Monique Tabak is full professor at the University of Twente with a background in Biomedical Engineering (cum laude). She is leading the research track on personalized eHealth technology for complex chronic conditions. She is an eHealth expert, focusing on the question: how can eHealth technology contribute to tailor-made care in daily life?Ā 

Monique has a strong (European) network and participated in >20 (inter)national research and innovation projectsĀ  on eHealth (e.g. IS-ACTIVE (AAL), InLife (H2020), MAGGY (NWO), LoaD (NWA-ORC)) in major coordinating roles as project manager or WP leader, as well as principal investigator and in close collaboration with care centres.

She is currently leading the large-scale European RE-SAMPLE project in which a multidisciplinary consortium is developing revolutionary tailor-made care for people with COPD and comorbidities using real-world data monitoring and AI. She is also PI and WP leader in the LoAD project (NWA-ORC) in which she develops personalized feedback and coaching strategies for people with osteoarthritis based on a multi-modal sensing approach and recommender systems for tailoring.

She is a teacher in eHealth technology for the educational programmes of Biomedical Engineering, Technical Medicine and Health Science.


  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Telehealth
    • Obstructive Lung Disease
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Patient
    • e-Health
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • User
    • Application

Organisations Monique Tabak is full professor at the University of Twente with a background in Biomedical Engineering (cum laude), leading the research track on personalized eHealth technology for complex chronic conditions. She is an eHealth expert, focusing on the question: how can eHealth technology contribute to tailor-made care in daily life?Ā Her research is about tailoring eHealth interventions by a shared-decision making approach between technology, healthcare provider and patient, and supporting self-management in daily life for persons with complex chronic conditions.Ā 

She is currently leading the large-scale European RE-SAMPLE project in which a multidisciplinary consortium is developing revolutionary tailor-made care for people with COPD and comorbidities using real-world data monitoring and AI. She is also PI and WP leader in the LoAD project (NWA-ORC) in which she develops personalized feedback and coaching strategies for people with osteoarthritis based on a multi-modal sensing approach and recommender systems for tailoring.

Her expertise includes:Ā telemonitoring, shared decision making, decision support systems, adaptive tailored coaching, self-management, complex chronic (lung) conditions.Ā 


Technology-supported shared decision-making in chronic conditions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Article 108267. Vaseur, R. M. E., te Braake, E., Beinema, T., Oude Nijeweme-d'Hollosy, W. & Tabak, M., but Not Dirty: The Usefulness of Flash Mob Studies as a Method for Action Research in eHealth. Oberschmidt, K., Grünloh, C., Jansen-Kosterink, S. & Tabak, M. design for eHealth in practice (Accepted/In press). De Vette, F., Ruiz-Rodriguez, A., Tabak, M., Nijeweme-D'Hollosy, W. O., Hermens, H. & Vollenbroek, M. of current perioperative telemonitoring on postoperative outcome in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: A systematic review of controlled trials, 215-229. Haveman, M. E., Jonker, L. T., Hermens, H., Tabak, M. & de Vries, J.-P. P. M., When, How - Guiding the active involvement of stakeholders in eHealth Action Research. University of Twente. Oberschmidt, K. Responsibilities: Developing a Pan-European Service Model for an eHealth Technology Supporting Self-Management of People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Comorbidities, 175-192. te Braake, E., Grünloh, C. & Tabak, M. Framework for Stakeholder Involvement in eHealth Action Research (Accepted/In press). Oberschmidt, K., Grünloh, C. & Tabak, M.
Clarifying responsibility: professional digital health in the doctor-patient relationship, recommendations for physicians based on a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the Netherlands, Article 129. Silven, A., van Peet, P., Boers, S., Tabak, M., de Groot, A., Hendriks, D., van Os, H., Bonten, T., Atsma, D., de Graaf, T., Sombroek, M., Chavannes, N. & Villalobos-Quesada, M. the Reliable Measurement Period for Preoperative Baseline Values With Telemonitoring Before Major Abdominal Surgery: Pilot Cohort Study, Article e40815. Haveman, M. E., Melzen, R. v., Moumni, M. E., Schuurmann, R. C. L., Hermens, H. J., Tabak, M. & Vries, J.-P. P. M. d. shared decision-making in chronic conditions: preliminary results of a systematic review. Vaseur, R., te Braake, E., Beinema, T., d'Hollosy, W. & Tabak, M. and patientā€™s experiences of perioperative telemonitoring in major abdominal surgery: an observational pilot study, 515-523. Haveman, M. E., Melzen, R. v., Schuurmann, R. C. L., Hermens, H. J., Tabak, M. & de Vries, J.-P. P. M. E-trike Cycling: a Low Intensity Physical Activity, 429-436. Bulthuis, R., Tabak, M., Schaake, L. & Hermens, H. a pragmatic evaluation of ICTs for older adults with cognitive impairment at scale: the IN LIFE experience, 1-19. Astell, A. J., Panou, M., Touliou, K., Karavidopoulou, Y., Cabrera-Umpiérrez, M. F., Aldaz, E., Bizjak, J., Black, B., Buchholz, M., Mata, J. C., Cossu-Ergecer, F., Debring, S., van-Weering, M. D., Ekström, A., Gams, M., Soler, A. G., Gradišek, A., Goljuf, K., Kaimakamis, E., ā€¦ Tabak, M. shared decision making in the treatment and management of chronic conditions: a systematic review protocol. Vaseur, R., d'Hollosy, W. & Tabak, M. Monitoring of Vital Signs With Wearable Sensors During Daily Life Activities: Validation Study, Article e30863. Haveman, M. E., van Rossum, M. C., Vaseur, R. M. E., van der Riet, C., Schuurmann, R. C. L., Hermens, H. J., de Vries, J. P. P. M. & Tabak, M.

Research profiles

She is a teacher in eHealth technology for the educational programmes of Biomedical Engineering, Technical Medicine and Health Science.Ā She is a qualified lecturer, and promotor of severalĀ PhD students.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Monique has a strong (European) network and participated in >20 (inter)national research and innovation projectsĀ  on eHealth (e.g. IS-ACTIVE (AAL), InLife (H2020), MAGGY (NWO), LoaD (NWA-ORC)) in major coordinating roles as project manager or WP leader, as well as principal investigator and in close collaboration with care centres.

She is currently leading the large-scale European RE-SAMPLE project in which a multidisciplinary consortium is developing revolutionary tailor-made care for people with COPD and comorbidities using real-world data monitoring and AI. She is also PI and WP leader in the LoAD project (NWA-ORC) in which she develops personalized feedback and coaching strategies for people with osteoarthritis based on a multi-modal sensing approach and recommender systems for tailoring.

Current projects


University of Twente

Horst - Zuidhorst (building no. 28)
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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Additional contact information

Also employed as a senior researcher at:
Roessingh Research and Development
Roessinghsbleekweg 33b
7522 AH Enschede

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