(S)TEM research engineer


  • Material Science

    • Surface
    • Catalyst
    • Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • Chemistry

    • Self Assembled Monolayer
    • Work Function
    • Structure
    • Molecule
    • Oxidation Reaction




TEM observations of plasma - thin film interaction (2025)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2025. Gerlach, L., Shafikov, A., Tsvetanova, M., Sturm, J. M. & Ackermann, M.


X-ray standing wave characterization of the strong metal–support interaction in Co/TiOx model catalysts (2024)Journal of applied crystallography, 57(Part 2), 481 - 491. Tiwari, A., Monai, M., Matveevskii, K., Yakunin, S. N., Mandemaker, L. D. B., Tsvetanova, M., Goodwin, M. J., Ackermann, M. & Makhotkin, I. A. Separation Prevents the Synthesis of VBi2Te4 by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (2024)Nanomaterials, 14(1). Article 87. Altena, M., Jansen, T., Tsvetanova, M. & Brinkman, A.


Adding magnetism to Bi2Te3/Bi2 multilayers (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023. Altena, M., Jansen, T., Wielens, D. H., Tsvetanova, M. & Brinkman, A.A High-Entropy Oxide as High-Activity Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation (2023)ACS nano, 17(6), 5329-5339. Kante, M. V., Weber, M. L., Ni, S., van den Bosch, I. C. G., van der Minne, E., Heymann, L., Falling, L. J., Gauquelin, N., Tsvetanova, M., Cunha, D. M., Koster, G., Gunkel, F., Nemšák, S., Hahn, H., Velasco Estrada, L. & Baeumer, C.


Low coverage disordered decanethiol monolayers on Au(001): A conjecture regarding the formation of Au-adatom-molecule complexes (2022)Applied surface science, 594. Article 153364. Tsvetanova, M., Syromyatnikov, A. G., Zandvliet, H. J. W., Klavsyuk, A. L. & Sotthewes, K. Decanethiolate Monolayers on Au(001): Expanding the Family of Known Phases (2022)Langmuir, 38(33), 10202-10215. Tsvetanova, M., Syromyatnikov, A. G., van der Meer, T., Van Houselt, A., Zandvliet, H. J. W., Klavsyuk, A. L. & Sotthewes, K. phenomena on metallic surfaces studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and low energy electron microscopy (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tsvetanova, M.


Nanoscale work function contrast induced by decanethiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) (2020)Langmuir, 36(42), 12745-12754. Tsvetanova, M., Oldenkotte, V. J. S., Candelaria Bertolino, M., Gao, Y., Siekman, M. H., Huskens, J., Zandvliet, H. J. W. & Sotthewes, K. energy of domain walls and order-disorder transition in a triangular lattice with anisotropic nearest-neighbor interactions (2020)Physical review E: covering statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics, 102(3). Article 032138. Tsvetanova, M., Sotthewes, K. & Zandvliet, H. J. W.

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