He received his masters’ degree in computer science at the University of Twente in 1992 and completed his PhD on Formal operation definition in object-oriented databases in 1997. His research targets robustness in data science focusing on two main threats to data science reliability: data quality and undesirable machine learning behaviour. The former is focused on data integration, semi-structured data, natural language processing, and data quality issues involved in these. He co-developed one of the most scalable XML database systems of its time: MonetDB/XQuery. Furthermore, he proposed a data integration approach, called Probabilistic Data Integration, which fundamentally incorporates handling of uncertain and of lesser quality data. He developed a probabilistic database system, called DuBio, which allows the scalable storage, manipulation and management of such uncertain data. On the threat of undesirable machine learning behaviour, he focuses on Explainable AI with the intrinsically explainable deep learning approach ProtoTree as one of the notable results of this. He is secretary of the executive board of the EDBT Association (Extending Database Technology). He is the (co-) author of about 200 publications that accumulated about 2000 citations.


  • Computer Science

    • Events
    • Database
    • Models
    • Case Study
    • Data Integration
    • Real World
    • Social Media
    • Machine Learning




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Courses academic year 2023/2024

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Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Zilverling (building no. 11), room 4061
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede

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