Risk perception and risk communication are my main areas of expertise. I am very much interested in the way people respond to risks and what factors influence their perceptions and attitudes in this domain.

Activities at the international level

I am very active internationally. I have served on the Board of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe for a period of 8 years, 2 of which as president. I have been involved in the organisation of a number of the Society’s annual conferences, and for many years now I am responsible for the Society’s communication by means of its website.
I have also served on the Council of the Society for Risk Analysis, and have been a member of the committee that programmes this Society’s annual conference in the USA. 



I am a fellow of the Society for Risk Analysis.

My main research interests lie in the field of risk perception and risk communication. In last few years, mostly in relation to food issues, such as the perception of the risks and benefits of particular foods and the application of nanotechnology in a food related context.

I have used a wide variety of research strategies and data analysis techniques, including structural equation modelling, to study what determines how individuals perceive risks and  how they respond to risk related information.

As such, I am also very interested in the content of the mass media coverage of risks and the characteristics of the exchange of information on social media, and in the effects of the traditional and social media on risk perceptions and associated attitudes and behaviours.

Other contributions

  • Kuttschreuter, M., Stel, M., Haandrikman, M., Bouwmeester, J., Doeschot, F. ten, Straaten, G. van, & Andringa, W. (2021). Doeltreffende risicocommmunicatie: een inventariserend onderzoek. Enschede, the Netherlands: Universiteit Twente, WODC rapport 3052. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31321.65122
  • Bouwmeester, J., Doeschot, F. ten, Mathurin, A., Straaten, G. van, Stel, M., Kuttschreuter, M., & Haandrikman, M. (2021). Zelfredzaamheid en burgerhulp bij rampen en crises. Enschede, the Netherlands: Universiteit Twente, I&O Research, WODC rapport 3056. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14544.43524
  • Van 't Veld, A., Beerepoot, R., Kanne, P., Stel, M., de Vries, P.W., & Kuttschreuter, M. (2020). Het corona- en het eenzaamheidsvirus. Enschede, Netherlands: I&O Research.
  • Hilverda, F., Jurgens, M., & Kuttschreuter, M. (2016).Word associations with “Organic”: What do consumers think of? British Food Journal, 118 (12), 2931 – 2948. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-05-2016-0229
  • Hilverda, F., Kuttschreuter, M., & Giebels, E. (2017). Social media mediated interaction with peers, experts and anonymous authors: Conversation partner and message framing effects on risk perception and sense-making of organic food. Food Quality and Preference, 56, 107-118. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.09.003.
  • Regan, A., McConnon, A., Kuttschreuter, M., Rutsaert, P., Shan, L., Pieniak, Z., Barnett,J.,  Verbeke, W., Wall, P. (2014). The impact of communicating conflicting risk and benefit messages: an experimental study on red meat information.  Food Quality and Preference, 38, 107-114. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.05.019 
  • Kuttschreuter, M., Rutsaert, P., Hilverda, F., Regan, A., Barnett, J., Verbeke, W. (2014). Seeking information about food related risks: The contribution of social media. Food Quality and Preference, 37 – 10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.04.006
  • Rutsaert, P., Pieniak, Z., Regan, A., McConnon, A., Kuttschreuter, M., Lores, M., Lozano, N., Guzzon, A., Santare, D., Verbeke, W. (2014). Social media as a useful tool in food risk and benefit communication? A strategic orientation Approach. Food Policy, 46, 84-93. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.02.003
  • Keller, C., A. Bostrom, A., Kuttschreuter, M., Savadori, L., Spence, A., White M. (2012). Bringing appraisal theory to environmental risk perception: A review of conceptual approaches and suggestions for future research. Journal of Risk Research, 15 (3), 237-256. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2011.634523
  • Barnett, J., McConnon, A., Kennedy, J., Raats, M., Shepherd, R., Verbeke, W., Fletcher, J., Kuttschreuter, M., Lima, L., Wills, J., and Wall P.  (2011). Development of strategies for effective communication of food risks and benefits across Europe: Design and conceptual framework of the FoodRisC project. BMC Public Health, 11, Article number 308. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-308

Research profiles

Margôt Kuttschreuter is involved in teaching for the courses and programmes listed below and is also supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses for these programmes and 'Research Methods and Research Project'. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Projects that I have been involved in, include:

Social media influences on the risk perception and attitude towards the application of nanotechnology in foods.

Social media currently are an important source of information. This project aims to understand how individuals respond to information presented on social media in relation to the application of nanotechnology in foods.

One of the studies focuses on the differential effect of social media authors, a second study on the effects of reactions to posts on Facebook and a third on the factors that lead individuals to share information on the risks and benefits of nanotechnology in foods with others.

Social media influences on the risk perception and attitude towards organic products.

This project aims to understand how individuals respond to information presented on social media in relation to organically produced foods. Questions of interests are whether social media users respond differently to information from different social media authors, and whether the level of social support for a statement affects risk perception, attitude and the willingness to buy organic products. A third study focuses on the factors that lead individuals to share information on the risks of organic foods with others.

Foodrisc: Food risk communication - Perceptions and communication of food risks/benefits across Europe.

FoodRisC aimed to map out the networks and information sources contributing to food risk and benefit communication across Europe and to create a toolkit aimed at policy makers, food authorities and other stakeholders to facilitate effective and coherent communication on food across Europe. The University of Twente focused on the role of information seeking in food risk/benefit communication.

Quantitative content analysis of disaster media coverage.

In the Netherlands, there was an explosion in a fireworks factory that killed 23 people in the residential area in which it was located. This disaster was extensively covered in the traditional mass media and led to important changes in legislation. The study analysed the coverage of the disaster over a period of three years from a quantitative point of view. It related the amount of coverage to events in the aftermath of the disaster. Focus was on journalists' use of frames such as conflict, responsibility, human interest and economic consequences, in particular in relation to local and regional authorities.

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