After obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Technical Medicine, I continued with a Masters in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Twente. I quickly became intrigued by mathematics and neuroscience and decided to do my master thesis in the field of computational neuroscience. Currently, I am a PhD Candidate in the Clinical Neurophysiology group, where I aim to use computational models to integrate multiscale neuro-electrophysiological data of patients with monogenic neurodevelopmental disorders.
Breaking the burst: Unveiling mechanisms behind fragmented network bursts in patient-derived neurons (2024)Stem cell reports, 19(11), 1583-1597. Doorn, N., Voogd, E. J. H. F., Levers, M. R., van Putten, M. J. A. M. & Frega, M. Dravet Syndrome: Exploring the complex effects of sodium channel mutations on neuronal networks (2024)Science Progress, 107(1). Doorn, N.
Degree of differentiation impacts neurobiological signature and resistance to hypoxia of SH-SY5Y cells (2023)Journal of neural engineering, 20(6), 1741-2552. Article 066038. Voogd, E. J. H. F., Doorn, N., Levers, M. R., Hofmeijer, J. & Frega, M. in silico and in vitro human neuronal network model reveals cellular mechanisms beyond NaV1.1 underlying Dravet syndrome (2023)Stem cell reports, 18(8), 1686-1700. Doorn, N., Hugte, E. J. H. v., Ciptasari, U., Mordelt, A., Meijer, H. G. E., Schubert, D., Frega, M., Nadif Kasri, N. & Putten, M. J. A. M. v. the role of the thalamus in resting-state functional connectivity: Nature or structure (2023)PLoS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011007. Article e1011007. Cabrera-Álvarez, J., Doorn, N., Maestú, F. & Susi, G.
Inter-device reproducibility of transcutaneous bilirubin meters (2021)Pediatric Research, 89(4), 770-775. Dam-Vervloet, A. J., van Erk, M. D., Doorn, N., Lip, S. G. J., Timmermans, N. A., Vanwinsen, L., de Boer, F. A., van Straaten, H. L. M. & Bosschaart, N.