Having studied the Master Educational Science & Technology at this university and having been a teacher in the program for two years, I am currently a PhD Candidate focusing on workplace learning and self-directed learning as a means to accelerate digital transformation. I try to look at learning as a dynamic process, rather than something that is static or a tendency, and am researching methods for measurement and support that fit that perspective.


I am a PhD Candidate in the section of Educational Science, in which I am interested in studying and supporting workplace learning. I mainly focus on self-directed learning, as I feel this is a skill that is increasingly important in today's society and the main driver of lifelong learning. In my research, I work on finding new ways to measure and provide support for self-directed learning.

My main teaching activities are in the minor 'Professional Learning in Organizations' and the supervision of students working on their thesis (both Bachelor and Master).

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Cubicus (building no. 41), room B213
De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede

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