Nastasia Griffioen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technology, Human, and Institutional Behaviour Group of the University of Twente, as well as member of the international Games for Emotional and Mental Health Lab (GEMH Lab). After having obtained her Bachelor in Psychology with Honours from Radboud University Nijmegen, she continued to pursue a Research Master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from Leiden University.

During these years, Nastasia’s research projects varied from investigating linguistic relativity to the effects of negative priming on visual awareness, to—more recently, during her PhD at Radboud University Nijmegen—the relationship between social media use and emerging adults’ wellbeing.

Throughout her education and work, Nastasia has been passionate about the development of better research tools. Nastasia furthermore strives to contribute to research transparency and openness through preregistrations as well as publishing code and datasets.

She aims to actively involve young people in her work, often by implementing qualitative elements in her studies (additionally allowing for greater depth and detail of information) and recruiting youth advisors to support her projects’ development.

Within the Games for Emotional and Mental Health Lab, Nastasia is passionate about knowledge translation and works to broaden her reach by collaborating with both scientific (University of Copenhagen) and artistic teams (playField theatre company).

At the moment, her main project is XCAVO: and app that strives to provide young people with insight into their own values and increased control of their social media use. 

Nastasia's research is centred around digital technologies and young people's wellbeing.

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