Nils Grimm is a PhD candidate at theĀ Chair of Productā€“Market Relations, embedded in the Department of Design, Production & Management at the Faculty of Engineering Technology of the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Furthermore, Nils Grimm is doctoral researcher and guest lecturer at theĀ Marketing, Sales, Tourism & Sports Department at the International School of Management in Dortmund, Germany.

Research focus on Corporate Communications: His broad research interest ranges from corporate branding, to corporate communications and the orchestration of integrated communication departments. As author and presenter at the Global Brand Conference in 2024, he was recognised with the best paper award for best conceptual paper.

Theory and practice: Nils Grimm gained valuable insights from his career path as a public relations consultant, and as a marketing manager in the automotive industry in Germany. He is currently employed as sustainability communications manager at WĆ¼rth Group. Bridging his path as a researcher and as a practitioner, Nils Grimm is eager to unravel current challenges in corporate communications and study phenomena of theoretical and managerial significance.


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Brand Architecture
    • Brand
  • Psychology

    • Authenticity
    • Decision Making
    • Complexities
    • Ethics
    • Morality
    • Self-Disclosure



Towards true authentic corporate brands: an existential viewIn Proceedings 17th Global Brand Conference, 22-24 April 2024, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Edinburgh Napier University (Accepted/In press). Grimm, N., Sahhar, Y., Moss, C. & Henseler, J.

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