Nicole Huijts is assistant professor in the domains of risk perception, environmental psychology and human-technology interaction. The focus of her research is on the public perception and acceptance of new technologies in the domains of energy, ICT and transport. Nicole has extensive experience with multi-disciplinary research and education, particularly bringing together the fields of psychology, engineering and ethics. Previous to working at the University of Twente, she worked at the Eindhoven and Delft Universities of Technology.


  • Social Sciences

    • Technology
    • Acceptance
    • Hydrogen Fuel
    • Hydrogen
  • Computer Science

    • Decision-Making
    • Models
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Science and Technology
    • Public


I am Assistant Professor in the Psychology of Conflict, Risk and Safety Group at the University of Twente. My research focuses on human decision making in relation to potentially very beneficial technologies that at the same also bring (actual and/or perceived) new risks. I investigate this from a psychological perspective while taking into account contextial factors, such as the design, governance and geography of the technology, as well as ethical considerations. With my research, I generally aim to develop insights that aid in reducing the societal risks of potentially beneficial technologies. I am currently also the President of the Benelux Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis-Europe. Previous to working at the University of Twente, I have worked at the TU Eindhoven and TU Delft.

I have an MSc degree with honorable mention in Technology and Society from the Eindhoven University of Technology and a PhD degree from the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology. I also have been a four months exchange student at the department of Engineering and Public Policy of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, and a one year scholar at the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious studies of the Radboud University, Nijmegen.


User experiences with simulated cyber-physical attacks on smart home IoT, 2243-2266. Huijts, N., Haans, A., Budimir, S., Fontaine, J. R. J., Loukas, G., Bezemski, A., Oostveen, A.-M., Filippoupolitis, A., Ras, I., IJsselsteijn, W. & Roesch, E. B. fairway to fairness: Toward a richer conceptualization of fairness perceptions for just energy transitions, Article 103213. Bal, M., Stok, M., Bombaerts, G., Huijts, N., Schneider, P., Spahn, A. & Buskens, V.
Emotional reactions to cybersecurity breach situations: Scenario-based survey study, Article e24879. Budimir, S., Fontaine, J. R. J., Huijts, N. M. A., Haans, A., Loukas, G. & Roesch, E. B.

Research profiles

I currently teach in the courses Psychology of Safety, Cognition and Development, Research Methods and Research Project, Risk and Leadership and supervise BSc and MSc theses. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

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