Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 202000260 - Organization Theory
- 202000261 - Global Entrepreneurship & Business
- 202000571 - FENSI
- 202000573 - INN & ENT BCM Internship
- 202000591 - IBA/IEM Study Tour Minor
- 202000593 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- 202000595 - High Tech Talent Man. in a Global Contex
- 202000597 - New Technology Business Development
- 202000599 - Crossing Borders Extended field study 1
- 202000601 - Crossing Borders Study tour
- 202000603 - Crossing Borders Virtual project
- 202000605 - Crossing Borders Extended field study 2
- 202000607 - Crossing Borders Field study
- 202000609 - Crossing Borders Short field study
- 202001447 - Quantitative & Design Meth. in Bus. Res.
- 202100177 - Academic skills Premaster
- 202200012 - Going Dutch
- 202300002 - Enterprise Software for the Integration
- 202300125 - Master Thesis Research Prop. Dig. Mark.
- 202300126 - Master Thesis Research Proj. Dig. Mark.
- 202400019 - Organisation Theory
- 202400020 - Research Methods
- 202400021 - Analysing Organisations in Practice
- 202400027 - Operations Management
- 202400028 - Quantitative Modelling
- 202400029 - Purchasing and Supply Management
- 202400030 - Probability
- 202400031 - Operations Management simulation game
- 202400035 - Finance
- 202400036 - Accounting
- 202400037 - Information systems
- 202400038 - Multi-criteria capital investments
- 202400039 - Data Analysis I: Des. Statis
- 202400043 - HRM & Organisational Behaviour
- 202400044 - Business Law
- 202400045 - Information Management
- 202400046 - Design an Online Platform Business Model
- 202400051 - Strategy
- 202400052 - Marketing
- 202400053 - Economics
- 202400054 - SME Project
- 202400055 - Data analysis II: More about Inf. Stat.
- 202400059 - Innovation Management
- 202400060 - Entrepreneurship
- 202400061 - Methodology & Techniques: Big Data An.
- 202400062 - Innovation Tournament
- 202400067 - Digital Marketing in Theory
- 202400068 - Networked Business Foundations
- 202400069 - Digital Marketing in Practice
- 202400075 - Tactical Buying
- 202400076 - Supply Management: Strategic Sourcing
- 202400077 - Research Project
- 202400078 - Assignments and Experiments
- 202400083 - Corporate Finance
- 202400084 - Investment Analysis
- 202400085 - Start-up Valuation
- 202400086 - Start-up Business Model Analysis
- 202400091 - Corporate Governance
- 202400092 - Change Management and Leadership
- 202400093 - Business Ethics & Responsible Innovation
- 202400094 - Strategic Foresight
- 202400095 - Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- 202400097 - Business & Career Skills IBA
- 202400680 - High Tech Talent Man. in Global Context
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 202000260 - Organization Theory
- 202000261 - Global Entrepreneurship & Business
- 202000551 - Technology, Organisation & People (TOP)
- 202000553 - Business Operations Management (BOM)
- 202000555 - FAIS
- 202000556 - Data Analysis I: Introduction to Inf. St
- 202000559 - HOLI
- 202000561 - Strategy Marketing Economics
- 202000562 - Data analysis II: More about Inf. Stat
- 202000565 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- 202000567 - Digital Marketing for Networked Bus.
- 202000569 - Supply Management
- 202000571 - FENSI
- 202000573 - INN & ENT BCM Internship
- 202000575 - CHANGEL
- 202000576 - Research Proposal Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202000580 - Business & Career Skills IBA
- 202000591 - IBA/IEM Study Tour Minor
- 202000593 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- 202000595 - High Tech Talent Man. in a Global Contex
- 202000597 - New Technology Business Development
- 202000599 - Crossing Borders Extended field study 1
- 202000601 - Crossing Borders Study tour
- 202000603 - Crossing Borders Virtual project
- 202000605 - Crossing Borders Extended field study 2
- 202000607 - Crossing Borders Field study
- 202000609 - Crossing Borders Short field study
- 202001447 - Quantitative & Design Meth. in Bus. Res.
- 202100177 - Academic skills Premaster
- 202200012 - Going Dutch
- 202300002 - Enterprise Software for the Integration
- 202300005 - Regional Sustainable Development
- 202300125 - Master Thesis Research Prop. Dig. Mark.
- 202300126 - Master Thesis Research Proj. Dig. Mark.
- Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)
- Education Service Centre (BMS-SERVICES-EDU)