
  • Engineering

    • Structural Health Monitoring
    • Composite Structure
    • High Frequency
    • Laminated Composite Plate
    • Research
  • Material Science

    • Sensor
    • Composite Material
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Impact




Evaluating sensor performance for impact identification in composites: a comprehensive comparison of FBGs with PZTs (2025)Structural health monitoring (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Ribeiro Marinho, N., Loendersloot, R., Wiegman, J. W., Grooteman, F. & Tinga, T.


Impact Identification Method for Structural Health Monitoring of Stiffened Composite Panels using Passive Sensing Systems (2024)e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing. Marinho, N. R., Loendersloot, R., Grooteman, F., Wiegman, J. W. & Tinga, T. of an Abaqus impact wave propagation model (2024)e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing. Bezes, P., Grooteman, F., Wiegman, J. W., Marinho, N. R. & Loendersloot, R.


A Comparison of Optical Sensing Systems with Piezo-Electric Sensors for Impact Identification of Composite Plates (2023)In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2023: Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability (pp. 1127-1133). DEStech Publications, Inc. Ribeiro Marinho, N., Loendersloot, R., Tinga, T., Grooteman, F. & Wiegman, J. W.Exploiting high frequency waves for SHM using 3D SLDV system: what can we learn more? (2023)In Measuring by Light 2023. Ribeiro Marinho, N., Di Maio, D., Loendersloot, R. & Tinga, T.Impact Damage Identification on Composite Structures (2023)In European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022 (pp. 586-594) (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering; Vol. 253). Springer. Loendersloot, R., Marinho, N. R. & Grooteman, F.


Dynamics-based impact identification method for composite structures (2022)In Twenty-fifth Engineering Mechanics Symposium, October 25-October 26, 2022. Hotel Papendal, Arnhem (pp. 51-51). Eindhoven University of Technology. Ribeiro Marinho, N., Loendersloot, R., Tinga, T. & Grooteman, F.Impact identification method for composite structures: A structured approach for a full-scale aircraft component (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 25th Engineering Mechanics Symposium, EM 2022. Ribeiro Marinho, N. R. M., Loendersloot, R., Tinga, T. & Grooteman, F.


Effects of mean load on interlaminar fracture behavior of carbon-epoxy prepreg fabric laminates under Mode I fatigue loading (2021)Composite structures, 276. Article 114451. Marinho, N. R., Arbelo, M. A., Candido, G. M., de Cássia Mendonça Sales, R. & Donadon, M. V.

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University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N132
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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