As associate professor in Water Engineering & Management, I combine my passions of doing research and teaching in a fascinating discipline.


  • 2022-2024: UT Teaching & Learning Fellow (0.2 fte, theme 'digitalisation')
  • 2017-date: Associate professor
  • 2018-2022: Location director UT/VU BSc-program Mechanical Engineering (0.5 fte)
  • 2010-2017: Assistant professor
  • 2006-2010: Assistant professor on personal STW-VENI grant
  • 2004-2006: Postdoc in Prof. Hulscher’s VICI project
  • 2000-2004: PhD candidate at University of Twente
  • 1999-2000: Visiting scientist at University of Genova (Nuffic Talentenprogramma)


  • 2020: Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap, professional training for educational leaders, offered by Centre of Academic Teaching, Utrecht University (20/6/2019-12/11/2020)
  • 2006: Certificate of Basic Teaching Competences (29/6/2006; now BKO, formerly known as DUIT)
  • 2004: Ph.D. degree at University of Twente. See research below
  • 1999: M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, cum laude including practical training at ABB Research Center (Baden, Switzerland) and M.Sc. project on variational modelling of river cross-sections.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Model
    • Sand Wave
    • Investigation
    • Morphodynamics
    • Show
    • Storm
    • Bed
    • Structural Basin


My research focuses on the complexities of coastal morphodynamics, related to bedform patterns (e.g., tidal sandbanks and sand waves) and barrier coasts. Of my particular interest is the link between autonomous dynamics and the response to human intervention, such as sand extraction. To understand these systems, I develop, apply and analyze mathematical models that describe the water motion, sediment transport and bed evolution.



Nonlinear modeling of river dunes: Insights in long-term evolution of dune dimensions and form roughness (2025)Geomorphology, 475. Article 109649. van der Sande, W. M., Roos, P. C., Gerkema, T. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. Dunes as a Nature‐Based Solution to Mitigate Salt Intrusion in Stratified Estuaries (2025)Journal of geophysical research: Oceans, 130(1). Article e2024JC021103. Geerts, S. J., van der Sande, W. M., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Geurts, B. J. & Roos, P. C.


Idealised modelling of the influence of cohesive sediment on sand wave dynamics (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 21st International conference on the physics of estuaries and coastal seas, PECS 2024. Ploeg, W., Roos, P. C., Borsje, B. W. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Form roughness induced by tidal sand waves:: a modelling study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2024. Portos - Amill, L., Roos, P. C., Damveld, J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Modeling estuarine sand dunes (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van der Sande, W. M. Form Roughness Induced by Tidal Sand Waves (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(5). Article e2023JF007610. Portos‐Amill, L., Roos, P. C., Damveld, J. H. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. underlying the article: Modelling the cross-sectional dynamics of tidal sandbanks in sediment-scarce conditions (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Veelen, T., Roos, P. C. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. (. the Cross‐Sectional Dynamics of Tidal Sandbanks in Sediment‐Scarce Conditions (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(4). Article e2023JF007308. van Veelen, T. J., Roos, P. C. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. sand wave-induced form roughness coefficients for a section of the Netherlands Continental Shelf. (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCK Days 2024. Bedon Pineda, C. H., Portos - Amill, L. & Roos, P. C. sand wave-induced form roughness: The complexity of a tidal setting (2024)In NCK DaysDays 2024 ‘Innovative science for a resilient coast’, March 13-15, IHE Delft: Book of Abstracts. IHE. Portos - Amill, L., Roos, P. C., Damveld, J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.

Other contributions


  • Roos, P.C., Seabed Pattern Dynamics and Offshore Sand Extraction, Ph.D. thesis, University of Twente, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-365-2067-3, 2004. [to receive a hardcopy, please send me an email]

Supervision of PhD students

  • Ongoing: Martijn Siemerink (1/9/2023-date), Siyuan Wang (1/9/2023-date), Thi To Van Nguyen (1/9/2023-date), Wout Ploeg (1/3/2023-date), Laura Portos-Amill (1/9/2022-date), Wessel van der Sande (1/4/2019-date).
  • Koen Reef (UT, co-promotor). Dissertation: "Exploratory modelling of barrier coast dynamics" (defense: 3-3-2022.
  • Johan Damveld (UT, co-promotor). Dissertation: "The feedbacks among tidal sand waves, benthic organisms and sediment sorting processes"(defense: 30-10-2020)
  • Geert Campmans (UT, co-promotor). Dissertation: "Modeling storm effects on tidal sand waves" (defense: 31-08-2018).
  • Wenlong Chen (UT, co-promotor). Dissertation: “Idealised modelling of storm surges in large-scale coastal basin” (defense: 15-12-2015).
  • Mohit Kumar (TU Delft, co-promotor). Dissertation: "Three-dimensional model for estuarine turbidity maxima in tidally dominated estuaries. An idealized modelling approach" (defense: 30-11-2018)
  • Leendert Dorst (UT, co-promotor). Dissertation: “Estimating sea floor dynamics in the Southern North Sea to improve bathymetric survey planning” (defense: 4-9-2009).
  • Co-supervision: Zhou Jieqiong (Zhejiang University, China), Mariana Pardal (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil), F.M. Sterlini (UT), H.H. van der Veen (UT).


  • External member/examiner at PhD defenses
    • External committee member in Phd Defence of: Ronald L. Brouwer (TU Delft, 30-9-2013), Bing Yuan (Utrecht University, 13-7-2017), Rajapaksha Mudiyanselage Janaka Bamanuwala (UT, 16-4-2020), Roeland C. van de Vijsel (RUG, 19-3-2021)
    • External examiner for Van Long Huynh (University of Nottingham, 4-12-2018), Gaetano Porcile (UniversitĂ  di Genova, 2019), Thomas Boelens (UGent, 4 June 2020)
  • Conference/workshop organization
    • Co-organizer of NCK Days 2021, held online on 25-26 March 2021 by NIOZ and University of Twente
    • Organizer of NCK-theme day on Offshore Activities and Seabed Evolution (OASE), Utrecht, 6 November 2018 (together with Bas Borsje)
    • Organizer of workshop on impact of mega-scale sand extraction on the North Sea, Enschede, 27 April 2010 (dissemination of VENI-project)
  • Keynote/invited speaker
    • Keynote speaker at MARID VI, 1-3 April, 2019
    • Invited speaker at NCK theme day on Wadden Sea, Leeuwarden, 17 May 2019
    • Invited speaker at NCK-theme day on Wadden Sea on the sediment balance of the Wadden Sea, Leiden, 10 October 2014
    • Keynote speaker at EGU2013, session OS2.1 (Ocean Sciences), Vienna, 8 April 2013
    • 1st prize for the best presentation at NCK days 2010
  • Memberships, advisory work, review
    • Member of NCG-KNAW Netherlands Geodetic Committee, subcommittee ‘Marine Geodesy’ (since November 2009)
    • Advisor for Rijkswaterstaat’s research agenda on sandy coast/shoreface (17-2-2022, 24-11-2022)
    • Participation in Building with Nature, project HK2.1 “Ecodynamic design of a dredging area”, on the ecological landscaping of sand extraction sites (2008-2010).
    • Jury member best PhD paper Twente Water Week (Twente Water Centre): 2014, 2015, 2016.
    • Reviewer for the following scientific journals: Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology; Coastal Engineering; Continental Shelf Research; Earth Surface Processes & Landforms; Environmental Modelling & Software; Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science; Frontiers in Marine Science; Geomorphology; Geophysical Research Letters; Reviews of Geophysics; Journal of Applied Mathematics; Journal of Coastal Research; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Journal of Geophysical Research; Journal of Sedimentary Research; Marine Geology; Nature Geosciences; Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics; Ocean Dynamics; Ocean Modelling; Ocean Science Discussions; Science of the Total Environment.

Research profiles


  • Winner Central Educational Award University of Twente 2017
  • 5x Teacher of the Year Civil Engineering (& Management): 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2023
  • 12x Nominations for Teacher of the Year Civil Engineering & Management: 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2022, 2023

 BSc Courses

  • Fluid Mechanics 1 (course code: 202000049) in Module 2; 2015-date
  • Project Blue Nile (202000054) in Module 2; 2013-2015
  • Tutor in Module 3; 2013-2016
  • Supervision of BSc graduation projects

MSc Courses

  • Mathematical Physics of Water Systems (19540090): 2005-date
  • Long Waves & Tidal Morphodynamcs (201800024): 2023
  • Marine Dynamics (195400800): 2003-2017
  • Marine Systems (195400240): 2004, 2011
  • Supervision of MSc graduation projects

Other teaching

  • C2-score on TCP English Language Class Assessment (6/3/2014)
  • Chair of Education Committee Civil Engineering (OLC-CiT, 2009-2013); staff member (2013-2018)
  • Guest speaker at Universiteit van Nederland (2019): “Waarom spelen sommige wiskundigen graag in de zandbank?” (click here for video)
  • Guest lecturer:
    • at summer schools: NCK Texel (2011, 2019, 2022), Utrecht Tides (2018), ENSY Granada (2019), group supervisor in Motril (2007) and NCK Texel (2005)
    • Nationale Wiskunde Dagen (14/4/2023): "De wiskunde van water en zand"
    • MSc-course on biogeomorphology at TU Delft (2006, 2007)
    • at international ECUA’2004 conference on underwater acoustics in Delft (2004)
  • Teacher panel member of ConcepT Symposium: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2023.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

  • 2023-date: collaboration BAW/Nelen&Schuurmans/UT; supervision of PhD student Martijn Siemerink
  • 2023-date: EU-project SEDIMARE; supervision of PhD students Siyuan Wang and Thi To Van Nguyen
  • 2023-date: NWA-project ORELSE; supervision of PhD student Wout Ploeg
  • 2022-date: NWO-TTW-project MELODY; supervision of PhD student Laura Portos-Amill
  • 2019-date: Perspectief Programme SALTISolutions; supervision of PhD student Wessel van der Sande
  • 2017-2022: supervision of PhD student Koen Reef in WADSnext!-project
  • 2015-2020: supervision of PhD student Johan Damveld in NWO/ALW-project SANDBOX
  • 2014-2020: project leader of STW project SMARTSEA (TKI Maritime call) and daily supervision of PhD student (and later postdoc) Geert Campmans
  • 2011-2018: Co-supervision of PhD student Mohit Kumar (with Henk Schuttelaars, TUD)
  • 2011-2015: SEACOS project in CSC Talent Training. Daily supervision of Ph.D. student Wenlong Chen
  • 2006-2010: STW-VENI project on “Transient Dynamics in the Morphology of Coastal Seas”.
  • 2004-2006: Post doc in VICI project Prof. Dr. S.J.M.H. Hulscher. Further activities: contact person of EUMARSAND on behalf of UT, collaboration with Christophe Brière, daily supervision of L.L. Dorst’s Ph.D project.
  • 2000-2004: PhD project on the morphodynamics of large-scale offshore sand extraction, in relation to rhythmic seabed patterns such as tidal sandbanks. Promotors: Prof. Dr Suzanne Hulscher, and Prof. Dr Ir Huib de Vriend. Research partly within EU-project HUMOR.
  • 1999-2000: one year stay at University of Genova, Italy, EU-funded within Nuffic Talentenprogramma. Research on the modelling of three-dimensional sand ripple patterns (Roos & Blondeaux, 2001).


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