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Priyanka Pereira is currently working as a PhD candidate with the ELAN Department (Department of Teacher Development) at the University of Twente. She has previously obtained a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy in India and a Master's degree in Educational Science and Technology at the University of Twente. Prior to starting her PhD candidacy, she worked as an Instructional Designer for 10 years. 

Priyanka is currently working under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Kim Schildkamp, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bernard Veldkamp and Dr. Maaike Heitink to obtain her PhD degree. Her project focusses on the use of peer feedback in the STEM fields of higher education, specifically on the factors influencing the use by teachers and students. 


Priyanka's PhD project focusses on the use of peer feedback in the STEM fields of higher education, specifically on the factors influencing the use by teachers and students. 

While a number of studies have focussed on the reliability and validity of peer feedback to justify the replacement of teacher feedback with peer feedback, and some studies have focussed on the effects of peer feedback, there has not yet been (to the best of our knowledge) a comprehensive study on the factors that influence the use and effectiveness of peer feedback in the STEM fields of higher education. With regard to previous studies on the factors influencing the use of peer feedback, a few studies have focussed on the intervention characteristics and a few studies have focussed on the student demographics. However, there have not yet been any studies (to the best of our knowledge) that focussed on the teacher and student attitudes/beliefs or on the social and contextual factors that influence the use and effectiveness of peer feedback in the STEM fields of higher education. Her project is innovative because it uses a comprehensive approach to the study of these factors. The project will use a total of four studies to consider multiple factors, including intervention, teacher, student, social and contextual factors, that may have an influence. It thus aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of what does or does not have an effect on the use and, therefore, effectiveness of a peer feedback intervention that is implemented. It also aims to develop a series of models that depict the influence each of these sets of factors have.

The Bologna Process and the increasing number of students in higher education have resulted in an increase in the implementation of peer feedback in the STEM fields of higher education. However, the actual use and effectiveness of this peer feedback by the teachers and students can vary based on a number of factors, including those pertaining to the intervention, teachers, students, social conditions and context. For a successful implementation of the intervention, it becomes necessary to consider these factors and make the appropriate adjustments or take the necessary precautions. The results of the project will act as a guide to practitioners who are considering the implementation of peer feedback, allowing them to be informed about which factors they need to evaluate prior to implementation.

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

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